Trump limbo's under low bar set by Obama

It’s when you think a crime was committed but Bob Meuller can’t find it.

None of them have been jailed for any unlawful collusion or conspiracy with the Russians. 0.

The President won with 70,000ish votes over three key states.

His hold isn’t as great as people try to make it out to be.


It’s when you think a crime was committed but Bob Mueller is legally prevented from telling us no matter how much evidence of one was found.

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Obama won in the same way with a very slim margin in a few key states so what’s your point?

Not really, what?

Perfectly phrased for this administration and the weak attempts to defend it.

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Can you back up that assertion?

Trump won his election by picking up 42% of independents.

I didn’t say his hold was great, but if you are counting on undecideds to bail you out, you are barking up the wrong tree, most of them broke for Trump last time around, because most of them are republican voters who don’t want to admit it to pollsters.

Two words…
Plausible Deniability.

Trump wasn’t smart enough to just let Rudy or Barr make the call. He jumped in with both feet.

Now does this bite him. I don’t know. But come on now…you have to admit…doing your own dirty work is just plain stupid on Trumps part.

I could be wrong… but I think that you are making an assumption that this isn’t going to get worse.

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Irrelevant. The people you need to remove him from office for it don’t give a damn how sophisticated democrats were when they investigated a republican candidate.

And they handed the Democrats the House in 2018. However neither is proof of how they primarily vote

If he wasn’t a complete idiot, it would be something that the Trump 2020 campaign could spend it’s huge warchest on and keep the DOJ, State Department and Vice President out of it.

But no… he is a complete idiot.

Democrats can’t base right and wrong on the non existent standard that most Republicans set for their leaders. If we go through life that way we may as well quit because we have already lost the battle.


I dont remember…I got involved in reading something.
And I’m to lazy to scroll up at the moment

42% makes @zantax claim incorrect. Notice the word in bold

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Actually he inferred one was but it wasnt his job to prosecute

Did they? Link?