Trump lies about North Korea returning dead soldiers from Korean war

Not a lie.

He sees ahead.

Its called lying.

What a great resource Donald Trump is to America!

Please cite references. You have a habit of posting crap.

As interesting as others using it to beat a political drum in favor of Donald? I agree with you - all sides should hope this plays out in favor of the families, and await confirmation.

I donā€™t know about the accuracy of this thread. Itā€™s doubtful due to the posting history of the OP.

I was contacted about a month ago by the DoD. They have a massive program of returning MIA and POW remains from WWII onward.
My uncle was in a Japanese POW camp. He died in it in 1942. My brother and I are now the next of kin. They are taking DNA samples from us to try to verify his remains so they can return them.
Itā€™s a great program and we should appreciate it.

It was always political.

Yet speaks in the past tense. Odd, that.

Get used to it or buy some exlax. You are going to be all stopped up with confusion and anger for a few years.