Trump lies about North Korea returning dead soldiers from Korean war

Also see: North Korea returns remains of US soldiers killed during Korean War Repatriation seen as modest diplomatic victory for Donald Trump and gesture of goodwill by Kim Jong-un


”North Korea has returned what are believed to be the remains of US soldiers killed during the 1950-53 Korean War, the latest gesture of goodwill between the two nations following the Singapore summit in June.

A US military plane made a rare trip into North Korea to retrieve 55 small, flag-draped cases of remains on Friday.


But why did he lie weeks ago about 200 already being returned, which was obviously not the case?

So we are all in agreement… He WAS lying when he stated that they had already been returned…

Interesting that the fact that remains are being returned is being ignored in order to continue beating a political drum. I’m glad that some families may get closure from this. I hope the NKs are not pulling a fast one with this.

Stop it with the apostasy. Our Great President is not bound by the constraints of the space-time continuum. What he said might seem as a lie because it was weeks ago for us. It was both true and not true for Him, Who exists both interdimensionally as well as across a range of times.

You will never be able to fully comprehend this, limited as you are to three spatial dimensions and a mere point in time.

Who is not happy that they are being returned? I am very happy to see this… Many, many years overdue… This thread was revived for nothing more than to make a political point… Are we supposed to ignore the fact that the presidents statement about them being returned was a lie? How fair is that to the family’s?

Wonderful news.

Schroedinger’s president?

In multiple thread i have stated how this is great for the country and the families. And this exchange does not happen with out these talks. So this is a big win for everyone. But i also caution that NK has given us remains right before negotiations that havent worked out. It’s good, but not new. And Trump did lie about already getting them and “parents” asking for them. So its tough to want to high give him.

It just seems petty to take a ‘yeah, but…’ position on something like this. Especially if the remains are genuine.

Why was THIS thread revived then? Was it to celebrate the fact the remains were being returned? Come on, everyone here knows why it was revived…

Even more than that! Imagine a complex Feynman diagram showing all the ways the poison in Schroedinger’s box could be triggered. Now imagine you can view the diagram showing a single point in time. It represents each moment you lift the lid.

Trump can exist anywhere on the diagram. He can move both left and right.

He ACTUALLY KNOWS the moment the cat will or has already died.

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It was likely revived as an in your face to those who oppose our president. Also an inappropriate action.

You to do know we can see the dates/times/user… Right?

Veterans remains being returned is a good thing, Donald lying about veterans remains being returned is a bad thing. There is nothing petty about holding those two opinions simultaneously.

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I dont mean to do a “yeah but”, but in another thread I had to link some history to a regular poster who thought that no US remains were ever received before while negotiating. Which is just wrong.

Let me help…

What’s your point?

We can all see who politicized the return of the remains…

And… So what? I already said jut was inappropriate. What more do you want from me?