Trump jr has covid

I’m made of antibodies, just like you. :wink:

Nope…it’s just you. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

He’s one of 16,422,376 currently. I’m sure they all took stupid chances, too.

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It’s asymptomatic i heard. Libs will be disappointed.

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Without a vaccine it is inevitable that sooner or later everyone will be exposed unless they put themselves under a complete in home quarantine.

Unless we start randomly sampling the entire population and running titer tests on them we’ll never have a clue as to how many people have had it.

We know roughly 70% of those who get it are asymptomatic or have symptoms so mild they never knew they had it.

Yes. Because there’s a .09% chance he could die.

Not even the point. It has ALWAYS been about preventing hospitals from being overrun.

Remind me again, what is the mortality rate for covid-19, 2.3% isn’t it?

And here we go…

Like you never revel in the misfortune of “libs”

Heh - that’s what Herman Cain said a while back.

You should read your own posts and then try to make up your mind as to your actual point.

Last I checked he hasn’t been hospitalized and if he is, he won’t be taking up space in the local hospital.

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About 10% of those admitted to hospitals end up on a ventilator, about 10% of those survive so it’s less than that.

Pissing on the dead, classy.

It is. So what is your point?

Hyperbole, exaggeration, over emphasis, overstatement, are just a few adjectives that spring forth.

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What is the mortality rate for people in his risk group? Closer to .001%.

Odds are he won’t eve by symptomatic much less be hospitalized and if he is he’s got about a 1% or lower chance of dying with it.

Yet he is the perfect example of why hospitals are filling up today.

Last year a guy with heart disease could schedule his bypass surgery and things would be fine.

This year, the hospitals fill up, and we have to choose between a covid patient and heart patient on who to treat. Because we risk running out of capacity.

One of those is transmissable and preventable, if people do a few simple things.

Tell that to the guy who needs a bypass but, ehhhhhhhhhhhh…it was just to hard to put a mask on when going out to get the nails done.

In a few weeks it’ll be death panels all over the place. El Paso already has 'em. Refrigrigerated trucks for morgues.

This of course isn’t remotely true.

NY hospitals were the first to have capacity problems starting back in March/April.