Trump IS the Whistleblower! Fighting For ALL Of Us, Cleaning out the Swamp

Maybe you should open another thread to do that.

Pelosi might miss your triple dog dare because it’s buried in this thread.

I will never understand why that dude doesn’t use grammar check.

Best words, stable genius. Narcissistic personality disorder?

It’s still better than hearing him talk I guess.

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Rudy has more then enough to put Biden away!

You ever hear Billy West read Trump’s tweet in Zapp Brannigans voice?

What’s he waiting for? Rudy should present the evidence to a grand jury!

Oh yeah and Mark Hamill doing them as the Joker too.

Donald has all the evidence needed to put the entire Obama/Clinton criminal cabal away for life! He’s just cleverly awaiting for 2020 to lower the boom, for reasons only the Chosen One can truly understand. But all will be revealed in the Year of Jubilee!


Coming to a court TV near you when it’s time, just like all the other Obama scandal investigations going on right now.

Will Rudy be leading the prosecution?

More then likely the same person that is in charge of all those other Obama scandal investigations Barr.:rofl:

What kind of evidence is he going to show?

Did you hear that second hand?

like the whistle blower no!

So Giuliani told you himself? Impressive

You should be because he was on TV holding it in his hand.

Is Rudy’s information first hand?

Oh but if the shoe was on the “OTHER” political foot, you guys would be all over it like flies on excrement, right? And WHY should he meet him? Then you’ve got two jackasses, Jacob Wolh for one, who has a $50K bounty on the WB? What ■■■■■■■ country do we live in?

This person did everything by the law and I guess Idiot Boy doesn’t like the law. It’s to protect those who see/hear something that is against the law. Haven’t you all heard, “See something, say something?”

trump just digs his grave deeper and deeper by the hour. Remember it took years to find the identity of Deep Throat.

Wouldn’t he be in the dock?