Trump is hijacking 4th of July- changing it from a national celebration to a campaign event

It will be forever known as the “Airport” speech, the greatest ever written.


Who from the DNC should Trump have invited?

Thousands and thousands of families attend this event every year. It wasn’t for the politicians, they’ve left town usually for the holiday week.

I am?

No, I’m not.

But in the most recent objective measure we have (election 2018) disproves this assertion that the left is losing right now.

But I get the need for some on the right to thump chest. Like president, like devotee.

Are there airports in all 57 states?

Come on.

No one. No tickets, no walled off elite area.

He didn’t invite anyone from the RNC, he gave them tickets.

So what did 2010 say?

But it made it greater. Again.

No. Seriously. There didn’t.

Ok, who from the DNC should he have given tickets to?

Hysteria - just another word cons changed the meaning of. Trying to match the hyperbole of the dotard probably.

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Losing on this particular argument. The left along with the media are collectively cutting off their noses to spite their faces.

Yeah, there did. He doesn’t have to President the way you want him to. You lost.

I was there yesterday. The crowd was NOT bored.

They were also made up of every demographic. Even the Trump haters were there. One small Trump hating group of about 15 to 20 members was marching on the side of the mall with a huge middle finger portrait. They were followed by many media organizations. The small group marching were shouted down by the overwhelming majority of people at the mall shouting USA.


That’s the thing. Somebody wrote those words. Did he have a reading issue? I’m sure the writer was not under the impression we had planes in 1776. Although it was a rather mediocre speech.

Nothing more ‘Murica than making an ass of yourself marching with a middle finger. Glad they could be there.

Although it probably served to keep people from wandering off during his long bored teleprompter speech. Winning! :rofl:


[ hi-ster-ee-uh, -steer- ]

an uncontrollable outburst of emotion or fear, often characterized by irrationality ,laughter, weeping, … (whining, whinging, sniveling, pearl clutching, vapor fanning, cloud screaming) etc.

Seems like an appropriate response to an independence celebration thrown by a guy who lied to avoid serving his country in Vietnam.

Absolutely. They wasn’t no ways tarred.