Trump indicted!

“reportedly” lol.

election fraud in the 2020 presidential reportedly happened.

no hard evidence.

where the beef?


This is 2024 and happening right under our noses.

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i learned my lesson with “Rove Indicted”

looks as if you also need to learn not to post rumors.


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I will just re-post this then.

One indictment is too many and 91 are not enough to commit election fraud.

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Gawrsh, I wonder if they got to spend the night in the Linc Bedroom?
Wonder what they could have possibly discussed during those “meetings”? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Russia reportedly helped Trump beat the witch.

No hard evidence.

Let’s investigate for 3 years


Putin is ridin with Biden in 2024!!


Well that cements it.

You have Putin supporting the person who is dying to fund the Ukraine.

Wag The Dog.

Suspicion arrose after they would report an all out missle strike on a target with only 3 casualties.:roll_eyes:

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And spend millions of the taxpayers money asserting the existence of said no evidence and lying all the while to the American people.
‘Mocracy :crazy_face:

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That was established by the Republican led Senate Intelligence Committee

Still buying into the hype huh?

Even though it eas all nonsense.

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Yes that report was very thorough and well documented. No question Russia interfered.
“We found irrefutable evidence of Russian meddling,” Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., acting chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said in a statement, directly refuting President Donald Trump’s repeated assertions that Russian interference was a “hoax” perpetrated by Democrats.

The Stormy Daniels hush money trial starts March 25.

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There’s plenty of time for hundreds more bull ■■■■ trials. Trump must be stopped by any means necessary.

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Should have never even been started. Ludicrous indictment

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This one is a criminal trial.

A grand jury voted to indict Trump on March 30, 2023, charging him with 34 felony counts of falsification of business records.

Doesn’t sound ludicrous.

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Fani willis is doomed. Trump will probably walk on this.


Even if she leaves the case, which I doubt she will after seeing what went on in the courtroom today, this case isn’t going away.

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She is struggling answering simple answers. It was a flimsy case to begun wirh. Libs are struggling.