Trump indicted!

You trust experts now?

It depends. Mostly on whether they are truly experts.

Nice hedge

Not a hedge. Common sense.




This is such cheesy rhetorical framing, that is:

If you disagree with any interpretive claim made on cable tv by an “expert” (as though “expertise” works like this), then you must think you’re “smarter” than that person and/or the whole idea of “expertise” goes poof.

Does that really make sense to you in your brain? Once again, this isn’t just “not right”; it’s not even wrong.


On what basis do you “disagree”?

Everything Crooked Donald touches…


"Another defeat in court for former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows.

Federal judge will NOT order an emergency stay, as Meadows makes appeal seeking to move Fulton County criminal case to federal court"

More big news from Fulton County Trump Criminal Conspiracy RICO case today:

"The first co-defendant in the MAGA criminal case in Fulton County pleads guilty — dispelling the Republican illusion that Trump and his cronies are innocent.

Scott Hall, a bail bond business owner, pleaded guilty before Judge Scott McAfee Friday after striking a plea dead with prosecutors.

Hall was part of a group of radical far-right individuals who breached a Coffee County election office to tamper with voting machines.

He was facing seven charges tied to the illegal efforts to overturn the 2020 election for Donald Trump. He pleaded guilty to five misdemeanor counts as part of his deal and will serve five years probation.

Additionally, Hall will pay $5,000 and serve 200 hours of community service.

“You understand that you’re pleading guilty today because you believe there exists a factual basis that supports the plea, and you are pleading guilty because you are, in fact, guilty?” the judge asked

“Yes, sir,” Hall replied."

Womp womp. Starting at the bottom, working their way up the chain.

"One of the lowest level co-defendants, Scott Hall, has pleaded guilty and agreed to “testify truthfully in this case and all further proceedings,” per NBC.

“A Fulton County judge Thursday rejected attorney Sidney Powell’s request to dismiss charges against her alleging she tried to overturn the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.”

The Kraken is going to prison.

Along with the rest of the gang.

Lock Her Up!

Welcome to the show Fanny :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


So Fani is proving to be a criminal, which totally exposes just how corrupt her and her charges against Trump were and now…we have Jack Smith. Where’d his case go?


I’m noticing a trend…


Yeah? What are the crimes?

It didn’t go anywhere. As the article points out, the case is delayed until the Appeals Court passes judgement.

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Explore it and enjoy. Here’s a hint. She spent grant money in in appropriate ways, was told that can’t be done and the person being honest, was fired. That’s just a start.


Ok fine…if its true they did sometibg illegal, replace him or both of them. That doesn’t let Trump off the hook for what he did…lol. Or do you think the case just goes away? Does their relationship have any effect on the evidence?