Trump indicted!

Uh oh

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Great news- the trial will be televised.

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:rofl: :sweat_smile: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:
Brad Raffensperger reportedly contradicted claims. Aha.


We should see a motion to dismiss from Trump’s lawyers fairly quickly, if this Breitbart story holds up. Let’s see.

It is curious that Raffensparger would have allowed this matter to fester for two and half years without coming forward with exculpatory testimony… and only brings it forward now when subpoenaed by DA Willis, whose case Breitbart reports he undermined.


You have information to the contrary?

Why do you think Raffensberger recorded the call and then released it? To help Trump?

Turley can spin this however he wants, but everyone has heard the recording.

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I have no idea. Do you? Or can you construct a good ol’ narrative?

You feel your smarter than Turley?

IDK what has happened to Turkey. I love that his name autocorrects that way, though.
He has lost his objectivity and become a total tool of the right.

Here’s why Raffensberger released the audio: Trump would later take to Twitter to describe the call suggesting that Raffensperger was “unwilling or unable to answer questions such as the ‘ballots under table’ scam, ballot destruction, out of state ‘voters’, dead voters, and more.”
He said that, had it not been for that tweet, the world would have likely never heard the contents of that meeting.
“It was a private conversation as far as I was concerned,” he said. “And he broke privacy when he put out a tweet - but the tweet was false.” Brad Raffensperger opens up about leaked Trump phone call |

Once again, Trump just could not keep his trap shut. He has very poor judgement.


Are you smarter than Turley?

She’s not being bankrolled by the Right Wing Content Creator driven media.

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Ok, but are either of you smarter than Turley.

The Breitbart article you posted earlier today had Turley’s interpretation of Raffensparger’s testimony concluding that the testimony exonerates Trump with regard to the “find votes” phone call. It also posited the exonerating Trump has been the conclusion Raffensparger’s statements throughout the post 2020 election process.

The curious thing about that is how to interpret Raffensparger’s complaint that he and his family have faced harassment and even death threats from Trump supporters who think Raffensparger is opposed to Trump.

I’ll offer three hypotheses that might explain what is going on.

  1. Turley is correct and Raffensparger is so stupid that he never realized he could eliminate the harassment by explaining that his position exonerates Trump.

  2. Turley is correct and Raffensparger has a deep rooted masochism that leads him to enjoy harassment so why would he bother to address it.

  3. Turley is wrong and Raffensparger sees no need to modify the widespread perception that his position places Trump in legal jeopardy.

I am not smart enough to know which of these is correct. But I do know that no. matter how smart Turley is, he is no infallible.

Ok, but you know how smart you are and what he’s done. Are you smarter than Turley. Or are you an expertise killer.

Can we just start with

You want a different source?

No, I have dozens. This was public testimony. Everyone knows what was said. WTH is up with Turkey :rofl:, though?

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In my experience, really smart people are more focused on the limits of their knowledge than on trying to impress people.

I am sure Turley is very smart, but as I said before he is not infallible.

Given the many dimensions of intelligence, arguing "who is smarter’ is a waste of time.

Back to my question, if Raffensparger intends to exonerate Trump, why has he let things get this far. As I said, either really dumb or really masochistic. Which do think it is?

Yes, but are you smarter than Turley to claim he is wrong?

I didn’t claim he is wrong; I offered three hypotheses, one of which says he is wrong, the other two say he is right. As with all hypotheses, these are testable.

This has nothing to do whether I think I am smarter than Turley or not and the question, which is undecidable, is not of any interest to me.

I am sure you think Turley is much smarter than I. Just say so. I’ll shrug my shoulders and then we can move on if you will allow us to.

I always find expertise killers interesting. Especially (as it usually is) when it is in the furtherance of narrative construction.