Trump Indicted on Documents Case!

is he president now? does he get to keep document for life? is he allowed to keep the documents when the national archives, the current rightful owners, request them back?
they were never HIS. they were never HIS to box, to transport to multiple location post presidency. the US presidency is not his or any one persons…

No, I can read it - we’ve all been over this before, with Clinton.

I can also read the Supreme Court case that easentially held the Espionage Act to be unconstitutional without a showing of scienter - which is an even higher standard than “intent.”

Which is why no civilian has ever been charged with a violation of the Espionage Act without the prosecution showing intent.

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No, it doesn’t.

Where do you guys come up with this ■■■■■

So you knew the law actually states negligence, omitted that, then claimed it didn’t.

Got it. Least we know what we’re dealing with.

And Trump made it abundantly clear that he understood that when he returned some of the documents. He knew they weren’t his to keep- otherwise he would have said…No they are mine!


I was hoping that you’d fall into the obvious trap, and you did. Here’s me giving you the same lesson 5 years ago:

You understand you’re still wrong, right?


like the kim letters, or the hurricane poster he sharpies, or the Japanese’s whiskey. none of if was Donald Trump Jr.

Haley callin’ it. Of course she has to assuage MAGA somehow so she says she’d pardon him. Mmmmmkay.


After calling Donald Trump “reckless,” Nikki Haley on Tuesday said she would still be “inclined” to pardon him if he is convicted of federal charges.

Haley’s remarks on the conservative Clay Travis and Buck Sexton radio show came after the former U.N. ambassador and GOP presidential candidate on Monday said the allegations against Trump, if true, show that he put “all of our military men and women in danger.”

In Tuesday’s interview, Haley maintained that Trump was “incredibly reckless with our national security,” based on the indictment — but not reckless enough to deserve to carry out a sentence.

“When you look at a pardon, the issue is less about guilt and more about what’s good for the country,” Haley said.

She thinks being a possible vp pick is good for the country.

Trump would never pick her at this point. I seriously doubt DeSantis would pick her- not MAGA-y enough.

I guarantee if Trump is found guilty and is ultimately pardoned, cons will change their tune and say a pardon does not mean the reciepent is guilty.

I’ll tell you where. I just listened to AM radio cultist scream at her listeners that “HE COULD DECLASSIFY ANYTHING HE WANTED AND TAKE IT ANYWHERE HE WANTS!!”

Making them more uninformed every day.

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It was all political! The jury were Trump haters!

The true believers will never admit that Trump is a reckless shady crook.


I knew there was something wrong with you. :wink:

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Now hold on a minute. Don’t mess with juniper berry juice.

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What do you think the purpose of the indictment was?

If you ask Nikki Haley it would be to prosecute someone who was “incredibly reckless with our national security.”


The purpose was to prosecute an individual whose obstruction led to criminal charges.

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Charging a criminal with his crimes, so we can have a trial.

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I prefer hickory aged corn juice myself.