Trump in Michigan tonight who’s watching?

Would love to hear who you think is reliable…

Nope. I am of the opinion that it doesn’t matter and I don’t give a spitting damn about the whole matter.

How’s that feel?

It’s like it’s the 1990’s and you’re watching CNN huh?

No one!

But some are less reliable than the others because of their tripping blind obvious hatred.

And no major network in existence acts like Trump is perfect.

Get your hate straight. And come back to Earth.

It does indeed. But then it must be because of…

Let’s see “what” else “happened…”
oh yes - the unfair totally overwhelmingly pro-Trump media

don’t let your non-insane head explode. People actually think this.

They’ll call you a “cultist” lol

<head spins>

Feels like a backstep.

Bitter, party of one!

Because that’s how long Stormy Daniels said Donald Trump was calling her multiple times a day and how long their relationship lasted. Stormy Daniels, “porn whore” is far, far more credible than President Trump, and I just feel awful that a porn star got HPV from having bareback sex with Donald Trump. Her fault, should have known better, those Trump people will stick their ***** in anything, 5 kids from 3 different baby mommas proves that.


hmmm yes keep everything about the porn whore. That will distract everyone from the real deed muwahaahaa…

the “tell me where ‘xyz’ touched you” was old like, two months ago. you need to be briefed

Holy cow lol no wonder the usual leftists aren’t in here with their typical vapid nonsense - this Michelle Wolf was tots awe-fool!

(3, 2, 1, till “she was hilarious!!”)

Thank gawd Trump skips this stupidness and chooses to speak to real Americans.

CNN declared war on Trump and still expected him to show up and legitimize them even as they try to de-legitimize him? If he did that he would be as stupid as the Trump haters claim. Three years ago CNN was actually one of the major news sources I went to. Well, their pure Trump hate has probably brought in more people than they lost.

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Yes, but are those sources “officials and former officials” or “people familiar with the way Trump thinks”?

Anyone ever notice thinking man only comes around and talks about something on TV these days? I find that weird

Following in trump’s footsteps with the women in his life.

Trump is a coward for not showing up to hangout with cowards that hide behind the first Amendment to defame him with lies.

The sad part is, there’s plenty to go after him on that is actually legit but they are so wrapped up in their own headlines and promoting of hate along with their desire to keep the country as divided as possible they’ve given up all pretext of actually practicing anything that even vaguely resembles journalism.

Worse, they have to work overtime to avoid giving him the slightest credit for the good that is coming from this administration such as this week’s developments in Korea.

If a peace treaty is actually signed and adhered to he will have done something no other president from Truman on has accomplished.

If NK actually signs onto true and verifiable denuclearization he will have accomplished something no president has been able to accomplish since Bush 41.

ISIS has been destroyed as a fighting force and as a state.

We now have a growing list of ME Allies all participating in the fight against ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, AQ and it’s affiliates in both Africa and the ME and a realistic chance of achieving something resembling a long term peace in Israel.

I’m reminded of the old Annie Murray song “a little good news today”. The good news is actually out there today but God forbid they actually report any of it.


ha. i dunno. um, i think “sources close to the matter”

How much mainstream media do you watch? There’s plenty of people here who hate it, but not to this level of mouth-foaming rage. Maybe it’s time to unplug for a spell?

if only that were true. too many zombies stare at that crap and think it’s objective news. even the idiotness on msnbc!

i barely watch any of it by choice. i get subjected to it from time to time though for example at the beloved cnn-only airport. or at the bar (waiting to pick up the pizzas… ahem)

its not so much mouth foaming rage. just torture. torture for any thinking man

It’s just odd, friend. I don’t watch any news on TV, but FOX is always on at my gym. The sound is off, however, so it’s easy to ignore. :wink:

Loved your post but I’m not sure I agree that he is a coward for not going. If he was able to get equal time on stage then I would encourage him to go and slam their rear ends to the wall but that’s not the case so I think its best he just doesn’t go and can slam them at his rally! JMO

You mean Trump slams his foes at his rallies?

Well, that is certainly new!

Upstaging them at his rally (20,000 inside and 25000 outside?) was the smart thing to do.

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