Trump..."I haven't visited troops because I've been very busy"

I went, I wasn’t CinC of anything.

Can we agree though, that Trump has talked a pretty big game in regards to “supporting the troops.” Granted you can support the troops in other ways as President that doesn’t involve directly visiting them. But given Trumps blustering about support, you’d expect him to visit them at least once. If anything his statements make him look weak and makes you second guess his actual “support” of the troops. This shouldn’t sit well with his supports, but … clearly they can parse anything he says and does.

“I haven’t visited the troops because I’ve been very busy”
Yeah fat donald, but you sure weren’t too busy to go here.


Toot Toot!
Good for you

Showing up at overseas bases has nothing to do with supporting the troops. It’s feel good BS and press opportunities for the big heads.

What matters is are they providing what is needed to accomplish the mission, defining missions so they are achievable and with ROE’s that give us the greatest flexibility and opportunity to accomplish same.

What matter then do they understand what they are doing, what we can accomplish given the necessary support, and do they then have the brains to use of wisely and the balls to let us do the job when they call for us.

Anything else, fine, stay home, kiss ass, kiss babies, raise money and leave us the hell alone. We don’t want to share the spotlight with you or be your puppets as you climb the ladder.

Trump uses the troops in the same way he uses the rest of his supporters, like toilet paper.

I’ve already stated agreement about this.

These are A LOT of words used to defend a man who says he’s “too busy” to visit the troops. Do you think Trump is too busy to visit the troops?

Donald’s done more for the military than any president in many, many years.

He said that very firmly.

As firmly as a Saudi denying having tortured and killed a journalist.

What more do you libs want?

Just what is it you are fishing for? What is your obsession with attempting to always twist the question to get a specific answer critical of Trump?

I don’t give a ■■■■ about Trump and I have been abundantly clear on this matter.

Neither you nor anyone else can or ever will be able to show my opinion here has anything to do with who is sitting in the office, I Flat don’t care.

I can’t dispute anything that you’d said there. I’m embarrassed, and I’m sorry.

And the seesaw goes back and forth, back and forth.

Incredibly busy. Amazingly busy.

Which is why any lib saying “What if Obama had said this?” is apples and anvils. Because everyone knows Donald is very busy, whereas Obama did nothing but entertain thug rappers at the White House. Thug rappers that were totally not not the same thing as Donald entertaining Kanye, who is a very, very interesting man with valid political opinions.

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Trump looks a fool stating he’s “too busy” to visit the troops. It’s a stupid comment for a President to make. That’s not a partisan observation. It’s just another stupid comment to add to the list. And frankly, you should care. It makes your defense of his actions less and less credible.

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It really was. You should try it.

Look, if the Commander in Chief of our armed forces says he’s too busy to visit the men and women who serve, he’s too busy to visit. They already got a pay raise from the man who is the strongest on the military of any president in many, many years.

He said that very firmly. Very firmly.


Ooh! I forgot about the raise! Did they get it already?

Remember when Bush showed up on Thanksgiving with his plastic turkey in Iraq and EVERY Republican on the old boards cheered for days on end?

These 3 wounded American soldiers weren’t too busy to do their jobs.

Donald SAID he gave them a raise. Are you saying you need more proof than that?

You want a cookie?