TRUMP: I am ‘Totally Willing’ to SHUT DOWN Government Over Border Wall Fight

Originally published at: TRUMP: I am ‘Totally Willing’ to SHUT DOWN Government Over Border Wall Fight | Sean Hannity

President Trump doubled-down on his fierce fight to build his border wall this week; saying he would “totally be willing” to shut down the government should both parties fail to fully secure funding for his signature campaign promise.

The Commander-in-Chief was speaking with Politico from inside the Oval Office Tuesday when he was asked if a looming government shutdown could be averted should a $5 billion deal stall in negotiations.

“I don’t do anything … just for political gain,” Trump said. “But I will tell you, politically speaking, that issue is a total winner. People look at the border, they look at the rush to the police, they look at the rock throwers and really hurting three people, three very brave border patrol folks – I think that it’s a tremendous issue, but much more importantly, is really needed. So we have to have border security.”

“I am firm,” he concluded.

Read the full interview at Politico.

Why “both parties”?

Republicans can fund the wall without a single Democratic vote.

Neo-Hate Republicans better do it quick!!

The man-child asshat doubled down on “his” Fierce fight to build “his” border wall?


What an idiot!

The most ignorant president America has ever been cursed with.

Fat Donald, if you want money to build your “big beautiful wall” ask Mexico to pay up, like you promised the American people.

My God I can’t believe people don’t see right through this lying sack of transparent excrement.

He is demanding wall money from the AMERICAN PEOPLE via deficit spending Bills from Congress so he can keep a campaign lie he told the AMERICAN PEOPLE.

He doesn’t give a crap about the AMERICAN PEOPLE.

He doesn’t “do anything just for political gain”?

Who in their right mind believes him when he says that?

Mind you, that is in their “right” mind, not their “Right” mind.


Fat Donald obviously does believe everyone in the electorate is just as politically ignorant as those who voted him into office.