Trump hiring undocumented immigrants

I saw a somewhat lengthy finance article about that ■■■■ and the gist of it was that those fines don’t even hurt, it’s just a part of doing business that they accept while continuing with basically the same behavior.

The Trump Organization did not respond to specific questions about the legal status of workers at Mobile Payroll Construction —the official company, solely owned by Trump ,

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I’m assuming the people in this thread that said they would condemn for Trump for this will be eager to do so when this turns out to be true.

Any minute now………….

Only part of the left do this, like Clinton Drones who think taking 10 million dollars in speech fees from Wall Street does not influence you in the bit to vote way Wall Street wants. Hell I would sell my fellow Americans out to Wall Street for a new computer let alone what I would do for 10 million.c

This is the funniest ■■■■ i’ve ever read.


Or finding new ways to steal.

You have no clue what I or people like me do for children who are already born. I don’t care what you think of me or people like me.

And you are right about one thing, a woman who has an abortion will be judged and that is beteeen her and her maker.

As far as children in cages, I am as outraged as you are. The difference is what I think should be done about it and i also think that parent who loves their children would never put them in that situation. And if their situation in their country is bad they should come here legally and avoid that risk.

So you actually aren’t, you’re just saying it and then immediately contradicting yourself.


Not sure why you think I’m contradicting myself. Our ideas about solutions are probably very different. My church helps families immigrate legally as many churches do. I believe in helping from the beginning as much as I can.

Most of them came here applying for asylum…which is legal.

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I was under the impression that most were traveling through another country prior to coming to the US.

yes, most are. That doesn’t change the fact that they are still legally applying for Asylum according to our laws

Aren’t they to apply at the first country they come to?

No that is not a requirement. The US doesn’t currently have any safe third county agreements in place

Wring assumption.
Why aren’t trump supporters outraged at the way this admin is treating children?

It’s only a rumor that they have to have applied in the first safe country they came to.

Or oppose universal health care.

Or oppose universal background checks and other sensible gun law reform.

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The actions and rhetoric tell me all I need to know about your side. One outlier doesn’t excuse the callousness. It’s clear they’re pro birth and not pro life.

Its a negative story about trump therefore it must be fake.