Trump going to send Federal law enforcement to polling station

How are you “good” with letting fake news stand?

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Going to get on the anti-Trump contingent who has piled on this for missing the point of what Trump was doing and once more focusing on the wrong thing.

The “we’re sending everyone” was but one brick in the wall of Trump once again attempting to de-legitimize the election before it happens, and not actually him threatening to send federal law enforcement officers to the polling places.

And he wins…he’s got the conversation focused in the wrong place, so his detractors can look shrill and his defenders can overlook and not have to defend the obvious lies he once again told about mail-in voting (Nevada’s in particular).

And the myth of an "illegitimate, ‘fraud-filled’ election just gets another reinforcement.

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Protecting polling places against the bat ■■■■ crazy BLM and Antifa rioters.

Have the dems not attempted to delegitimize Trump since the day he announced? Did the dems not impeach him over a phone call? Did Pelosi not say he "needs an intervention"m

Racist, bigot, dictator, 170k deaths, Putin’s puppet?

And we can go back to Bush the Younger. Delegitimizing election results came out of the left’s bag-o-tricks. Commonly used in other countries as well.

Come on man.

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This is all very nice but we are analyzing Trump’s response to Sean Hannity right now.

Please do try and stay on subject. :slight_smile:

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You think BLM and Antifa are going to mess with polling places?

I am on topic and I reject your attempt to limit the context you created: delegitimizing election results.

Mmmmm. That is an interesting question. ANTIFA, I doubt it. BLM: define “mess with”.

Do I think BLM will have poll watchers? Sure, I would.

If you acknowledge I created the context, you acknowledge my right to limit that context.

Actually I’m acknowledging the right of the OPer to limit the context to Trump’s behaviors.

Interesting how in other threads, the poster’s intent is enforced, but in this thead, strays from the topic are being permitted. :slight_smile:

Since both BLM and Antifa have shown blatant disregard for life, the law and property, I would think less “Poll Watcher” and more “Voter Intimidator”

Not in a republic as soon as you put it in the public discourse. Very authoritarian.


There is no off topic conversation by me in this thread. The OP was proven incorrect. In the attempt to salvage the criticism, you created a new narrative.

I didn’t bring Barr into the discourse. I didn’t make false claims about Barr’s address. And I didn’t try to use 8th grade history to rationalize it.

If you feel I am off topic, flag it. But let’s not let mealy-mouthed innuendo rule the day, shan’t we?

Possibly, but that would be a supposition and would be determined by their actual actions at their polls.