Trump Foundation Agrees to Dissolve


Why would we want to talk about the Obama Administration?

It’s a coup.

Do you like how he bitches about Clinton Foundation, like a little whiney ■■■■■■ even though they have a great rating, and his foundation got dissolved, he has to pay a settlement, the ruling specifically lays blame on him, and he agreed to it?

Judges usually don’t like it when you criticize their judgment, an AG wouldn’t like it either. I wonder if this isn’t over

It’s not. I’m sure the evidence has been transferred to SDNY.

The lawyers are going to go through the same thing these poor bastards went through. Remember the census ■■■■■

Forgot about that one. Thanks, needed a good laugh.

he act like giving 19 million is a lot for a billionaire.

The bigliest coup in the history of coups! No one coups lie Donald!

they are going to re-name the Caesar salad after him.

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Et tu, Brute?

The only Brute here is Brutus the Beefcake Barber

Yes, I’m sure they ALL agreed that the money all went to charity. And he was “happy to donate $2 million” to charity, as he was ordered to. Just like his campaign manager was happy to go to prison.

Lap it up, Trumpers.

I knew Trump didn’t know how to really run a business. Any business owner or CEO that has run a decent sized organization understands the importance of policies and procedures. If you are on a Board of Directors, you know that a Board has to meet, take minutes, have an agenda at least once a year. If the Board simply consists of you and your business partner, you still have to have the minutes and keep the records. It takes 5 minutes to create these records. Instead, he raised and spent $19M without conducting a meeting or having any procedures.

The third stipulation includes 19 paragraphs of factual admissions by Mr. Trump and the Foundation of illegal activity. Mr. Trump admitted that the Foundation’s board of directors — of which he was chair — failed to meet, failed to provide oversight over the Foundation, and failed to adopt legally required policies and procedures.

Are there no Trumpers ready to step up and Navigate a defense. The dog pile awaits with baited breath

Trump can never criticize Hunter Biden for sitting on a Board of Directors. Ivanka, Don Jr and Eric had to take court mandated classes to learn what a Board of Directors is.

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Its a lovely statement from Trump about the $19M, but where is the documentation to back it up. Or are we supposed to take his word for it?

In Trump’s tweet you included in your post Trump says he won’t settle the case. Has that proved to be correct?

He lies, obfuscates, exaggerates, accuses, deflects, antagonizes and divides in a way Eugene could only dream of?

Furthermore he said he would drain the swamp not be the lead swamp monster. His cronies are blindly loyal and use smear tactics as a defense everyday. The whole administration is corrupt, just look at all the charges. None of his defenders claims can be proven they just hurl accusations one after another. They accuse people of crimes that are not even in the statutes.

what do you think is his biggest lie?