TRUMP FIRES BACK: The President Says Pelosi ‘Afraid’ to Send Impeachment ‘Scam’ to Senate

Originally published at: TRUMP FIRES BACK: The President Says Pelosi ‘Afraid’ to Send Impeachment ‘Scam’ to Senate | Sean Hannity

President Trump fired-back at Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Thursday; saying the top Democrat was “afraid” to send the “Impeachment Scam” to the US Senate.

“Pelosi feels her phony impeachment HOAX is so pathetic she is afraid to present it to the Senate, which can set a date and put this whole SCAM into default if they refuse to show up! The Do Nothings are so bad for our Country!” posted the President.

Pelosi feels her phony impeachment HOAX is so pathetic she is afraid to present it to the Senate, which can set a date and put this whole SCAM into default if they refuse to show up! The Do Nothings are so bad for our Country!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 19, 2019


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi held a bizarre press conference Thursday morning just hours after impeaching the President; saying she “doesn’t care what Republicans say” and confirming she’s not “prepared” to send the Articles to the Senate.

“Are you afraid of making it seem that you’re playing games with impeachment?” asked one reporter.

“The next step… um, whatever you want to call it, the trial. That is where you put the managers. I’m not prepared to put the managers in that deal yet, because we don’t know the arena that we’re in. Frankly, I don’t care what the Republicans say,” said Pelosi.

.@SpeakerPelosi on Delaying Senate Trial: "Frankly, I don't care what the Republicans say."

They’re making this Impeachment partisan and will be complaining when it continues to be partisan in the Senate.

— Benny (@bennyjohnson) December 19, 2019

Watch Pelosi’s bizarre press conference above.

Perhaps impeached President D Trump should insist that he appears as a witness. He could also insist that Messrs Pompeo, Bolton, Mulvaney, Giuliani appear as witnesses as well. One would imagine that M McConnell would support such a request.

Pelosi will have to testify in the Senate on why the Democrats funded Obama’s spygate and who will hang for it.

No she won’t.

But you support their illegal spying why?