Trump finishes up with worst approval rating of any POTUS

If I were king and that trade agreement came up with the world and China, I’d have stated clearly that before anyone jumps on that ship, the origin of this virus must be investigated by a united coalition.

Now I know you’re pulling my leg. I know for a fact Alex Jones’ bs is all over YouTube. You’re telling me you don’t know who owns/owned Fox News?

There are many examples of leaders like Kennedy, Johnson, Reagan, et al who could win over their fiercest opponents with charm, persuasion and a willingness to compromise. Do you believe we’re past that?

Rupert stepped down my friend and Fox has since evolved. Catch up. Alex Jones has not earned the credibility to listen to his opinions. In my world, a million times zero is zero. In other words, before I give a rat’s ass about your opinion, I must first respect you.

If you want Joe to do the same as Trump, why did you not just skip the middle man and vote for Trump?

Millie Weaver who?

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I don’t. But that has nothing to do with you not holding one politician to the same standard you do others. Someone on here told me doing that is baaaaad.

The world has changed much since then. This was true in 2012

and since that time, it’s gotten even worse plus the social media platforms have joined in. Now you’re even witnessing a purge.

Listen you clowns can have it one way or the other.

Either Trump ran the entire show or Trump in partnership with the task force, fauci, birx, and the governors all played a role.

I don’t care which just pick one. I don’t expect anything loosely resembling intellectual honesty from you people.

The post that started all this was just the latest version of 300000 people died and Trump is responsible for all of them.

Too many people died in America and world wide thanks to the Chinese. I posted an article several times that you people ignored. Biden was asked by Joy Reid of MessNbc what he would have done differently than Trump…he listed six things Trump had already done.

I asked above for the data showing how the death toll would have been lower if a leftist had been president and how quickly we would have gotten a vaccine with a lib in the White House. No answer.

We got hit by a virus. Bad ■■■■ happens…

Could the administration have done better…probably. Could Cuomo have not sent those thousands to die in nursing homes…yeah. Did Dr Fauci give multiple conflicting pieces of advice on things like masks…yep.

My humble meaningless opinion is that in hindsight there might have been a lot of decisions that could have been different…but those decisions at that moment were made in good conscience with the best available data.

We got hit by a virus…thanks China…

If you are so committed to blaming someone blame them, nobody cares what you and I think. I’m personally comfortable the Trump administration did the best it could.


You can’t have it both ways. If Trump was wrong, it’s up to Joe to change the course. Doing the same thing but expecting different results is the example of what again?

Which is why they were voted out

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Probably. As if there was any doubt.

Changing the course doesn’t require blaming China

Yep. The virus made a great running mate for Biden…no question about that.

Anyway we re done here.

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I bet Joe isn’t having the Feds bid against the States for PPE.

And 81 million Americans weren’t

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They were voted out for only two reasons; one…fraud through the mail in votes that dramatically changed just before the election, using COVID as the excuse and two…sheople eating what they’re fed and not thinking for themselves.

Thank you.

Oh…you had a hard time finding a mask? I never did and purchased them by the thousands and they were very inexpensive.

Ironic projection is ironic