Trump Declassifies all FISA Information, Releases all Texts, and Ohr Interviews with FBI

Yeah I got it…calm down before you pull something

And so it begins.


Well, I’ll go out on the limb.

Show’s Carter Page is an idiot.
Maybe includes some allegations against Trump (This would explain what took so long)
Shows Strozck and Lisa P hated Trump.
shows everyone else treating him like we all did.

Nunes will declare himself a hero. Gym Jordan will get red faced. Schiff will say this just shows why his investigation shouldn’t have been closed.

Manafort stays in jail.
Mueller keeps Muellering.


You got a permit for that? Protected species in that swamp.

This seems like sheer desperation.

Me? Nope, but president Trump does, LOL!

It’s on!

So, who wants to wager whether anyone from the White House actually went line by line through these documents to make sure there isn’t anything damaging to them?

Wow. And I thought Plasmaball was kidding about Putin telling Trump to do this. You guys are serious. That’s just how far you have fallen into your own little conspiracy world.

Meh, on the scale of recent desperation its a 6. It’s only Monday, give it space to grow.

Complete desperation. The Mueller investigation will keep rolling and this will be added to the obstruction charge.

Its good to be President.


Turns out there’s a non-nefarious answer.

But points to you for being down with a nefarious one.

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Geez, at least be subtle about the fact you don’t care if he did anything wrong.

You have to wonder how many other people were framed by this group?? We may never know.

I hope carter page becomes a trillionaire off of this.

How is it an assault on American law enforcement? Is there something in there that will make the American people think less of them? Is that a reason to hide it if there is?


Wow. What an incredible ability to read one thing and respond as if something completely different had been said.

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Release the memo! Oh wait we did that, release the texts! Release the Kraken! Release Don Jr. from prison!

jk he’ll be pardoned. double jk he might not even get indicted.

But i do think this is just a distraction to drive media coverage like usual and sway public opinion that will fail the next time Mueller brings facts to the table.

He’ll probably get 2-10.

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Yeah I definitely misinterpreted your five word sentence.

There’s a totally innocuous explanation but you just assumed it was Trump sticking it to the libs and hadda crow about it.