Trump compares impeachment inquiry to a "lynching"

Limply shrug and look away.

Graham: “I think that’s pretty well accurate. This is a sham. This is a joke,” Graham said on Tuesday while discussing the president’s “lynching” tweet with reporters in the Capitol Building. “This is a lynching in every sense, this is un-American.”

“I’ve never seen a situation in my lifetime … where somebody is accused of a major misconduct who cannot confront the accuser,” the senior South Carolina senator added. “If this continues in the House, it’s a complete sham and I will do everything I can to make sure it doesn’t live very long in the Senate.”

It’s almost as if Lindsey Graham, an attorney, is pretending not to know how the impeachment process works.

Well, I do declah.


It’s a lynching in every sense except the actual sense.

Lynching is like when someone treats you unfairly and you get mad about it and tweet. That’s a lynching.


I have a 88 year old uncle who grew up in southern VA and witnessed a lynching of his Basketball teammate. He had to watch it happen because he and his basketball team mate were accused of staring down a white female from the other team after their team won. According to my uncle, they were staring at her because they saw a gun in her hand bag.

Anywho 6 white men ambushed my uncle and his teammate, but a potato sack over their head and drove them deep into the forest.

After the men beat on them for a few minutes, the men proceeded to hang my Uncles teammate. They put him on a few pieces of wood, tied a rope around his neck, then kicked the wood from under him. My uncle was next…

Luckily someone came into the woods and scared the men off…, it was the bus driver… a white man, who got out… untied my uncle then they both took the guy off the tree and rushed him to the hospital. The teammate has rope burns around his neck and a damaged trachea.

Bottom line Trump has less than zero clue what is is like to be lynched or witness it. It’s disgusting that he even used the word at all to describe a constitutional process.


I hope he finds his special purpose. (hope that’s the same movie)

That’s the thing about lynching. The first thing that happened to Emmet Till was that his I-Phone was taken away. That took away his freedom to tweet about the event or even livestream it. Perhaps now people can see how lynching is different.

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Thank you for sharing. And it’s a sad reminder that those days are not a part of some long forgotten past.


Emmett Till was shadow banned from twitter. Never forget.

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I’ve heard some of them glow in the dark…



And this POtuS uses his malfeasance and comeuppance as a comparison to that.

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What amazing courage!

Why are all of these idiots so scared of fat donald?

We all know what Trumpists will say:

a) Argue the definition of the word “lynching”
b) He was joking
c) You are not reading the entire tweet in context
d) Lynchings do not bother me - He put Kavanaugh and Gorsuch on the SC and that is good enough for me.


It was hyperbole!

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And here is the saddest part…

They wanted to report it to the police, which was always difficult to do for a black man in the 1900’s, so they asked the white bus driver to come to the police station with them so that could have two fold credibility (white male and witnessed the crime).

However, the bus driver did not want to do it… why? Because the young white lady, with the gun in her purse, was the sheriffs daughter. Needless to say it was never reported and my Uncle had to live with this injustice for the rest of his life.


Whoa! I can’t show Michael Steele’s tweet, but he went full commando on southern belle Lyndsey.

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This isnt directed at anyone but who gives a ■■■■■ Look you defend this you are not someone worth talking to.

And that’s me being polite about it


Lyndsey digging deeper and deeper.

What the ■■■■ is wrong with these people?

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Like someone else said, thanks for sharing.

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Still not as badly treated as the donald.


Maybe they should play Billie Holiday’s “Strange Fruit” at donnie’s rallies.