Trump Campaign Wants It In Writing That gropey joe Will Show For the Debates

really? which one?


Ballots going out are not equivalent to ballots being cast.

In 2016, you know how many ballots were cast before the first debate?

About 0.06%. 78,000

Even if you double that, it would only be 160,000.

And if people feel like the debates will change their minds? Guess what…they can wait until the debates to cast their vote.

I’m not even getting my ballot until Sep 14th.

This idea being bandied about to get an early debate is silly and incoherent.

Even one ballot being cast before these debates is too many.

And why is that?

I’ll give you a clue…1860, 2000 and 2016.

Now guess which sore losers were on the losing end there.



This nails it. Great post. It is insanity on full display by some© on this issue.

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1860: was it the conservative party or the liberal party? you have to remind me
2000 and 2016 how did the party Not honor the results? be specific did the loser of the not give a concession speech? did they not allow an inauguration? did they not allow the winner to go to the white house?

Because why?

Because you don’t trust voters to decide for themselves if they need the debates or not?

I’ll just say because one of the candidates has been hiding from the public and a complicit media for 5 months now, and has a record he can’t run on and a platform he can’t sell.

And because.

Inside a bunker no less…when he’s not gassing us citizen for a photo op…

Glad to see you are on the same page

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democrats need a new plan


But how much control does she have over democrats in the House and if Joe, by some remote chance should be elected, him?

Biden himself, in person?

Biden isn’t really helping with that. He hasn’t made too many appearances.

Not really. I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden tried to debate with prerecorded answers to questions on Zoom.


Minds are already made up.

nice. haha

what a screwball

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Actually it makes perfect sense

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Minds are already made up by September 29th but not early September? Please explain

People…if…and I don’t think he will and have said so…Biden shows for the first debate…there positively will not be a second one. There will be nothing left. :sunglasses:

You really think people are sitting on the fence waiting for a debate to sway their opinion after all of the blunders the democrats have made?

Joe comes out of the basement to say something about riots after all of these months of silence?

What leadership. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: More like sticking a wet finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing.