Trump Baby Balloon to Fly Over London

I wonder if he’d approve of a Muhammad baby in diapers being flown over London or is that different?

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When your theoretical situation becomes a reality the. You might have a point. Until then you are trying to win an argument using an argument that has no basis in fact.

Making fun of politicians is a long standing British tradition. Satire and ridiculing politicians goes back to Shakespeare.

Lmao it’s not the UK that elected Trump. Trump is the biggest clown on the world stage today and as for incivility, he has taken that to a whole new level.

His supporters put him there and by extension every Trump supporter by association has to be a clown and guilty of incivility.

So you are equating Trump with a religious icon? Trump allegedly is a Christian so if they were flying a baby Jesus Christ over London you might have a point.

Plus we cannot answer you’re question because they are not flying a balloon of Mohammed over London but you sure as hell can bet that some Trump supporters are trying to raise the funds to do that.

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Reading some replies here, sounds like they are ready to put UK as an enemy of the US.

I can only imagine what the outcry would have been if the internet had been around in the 80s with the accompanying easy access to TV from around the globe and Britain’s Spitting Image show had got publicity. Spitting Image was a complete satire on all politicias and reagan was a frequent target

I’m equating one offensive act to another. Why should either be considered different? In truth, they aren’t. It’s just that hate is blind, until it hits them back in their own face where they can now see it…as in what I just suggested.

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We know that their frail emotions would be shattered.

This is rich coming from the side of safe spaces, hate speech, pink ■■■■■ hats and screaming at the stars.:sunglasses:


I remember that Reagan had his own little segment called The Presidents Brain is Missing.

Sorry mate there is no comparison. Hatred or ridicule towards someone for their religion no matter what the religion is not on the same levels as hate or ridicule directed towards a politician.

And this is where is gets concerning. The logical outcome of your argument is to make it illegal to direct ridicule to a politician. You want to make being a politician a protected class. That is a horrific idea. However if ridicule turns to threats against personal safety then that is not acceptable. No one including politicians or Trump should ever have to subject to threats against them or their families just like no one should be.

And just for the record I don’t hate anyone. My criticism and ridicule for Trump is not rooted in hatred.

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It isn’t just the left wing in Britain who can’t stand him he gets little respect from the right wing either.

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How many times per day do I read some liberal poster using the words, “Jesus Christ” in their post to emphasize their POV knowing full well how offensive it is. A crucifix in urine is considered art and forced to be paid for by an unwilling taxpayer who it offends. That’s how it works here in the US. There is no respect for Christianity required by law. I guess in England, as I said, it’s different and common courtesy is no longer common?

This is rich coming from the side that is all butt hurt over a foreign country flying a balloon depicting Trump as a big baby.

It’s the double standards I object to whether it’s here or abroad?

What is the double standard? Obama was liked here, Trump isn’t. It’s not complicated.

So a Muhammad baby in diapers could be flown over there just as a baby Jesus in diapers could be flown here or there?

Tha ■■■■ are you talking about?

The US President is comparable to a religious figure?

“Offensive” material…period