Trump asks Supreme Court to shield financial records from House Democrats —

I can categorically state that if the same evidence had been presented about a democratic president I would not be saying there was zero evidence.

You might not agree with the impeachment but to say that there is nothing there and Trump is pure and innocent is ludicrous.


Minimizing the evidence that is clear and damning does not bolster the argument here. Heck, there is not even evidence that a call was placed by Sondland to Trump at the time he claimed Trump told him “No QPQ.” The only evidence that exists is of the call two days earlier which was problematic enough it sent multiple people scurrying to Legal Counsel because of the obvious abuse of power that was being committed.

Trump has obstructed Congress and obstructed justice, in addition to his abuse of power. I notice that continues to be overlooked here as well.

Do you want Pompeo, Mulvaney (who admitted publicly to the QPQ) Giuliani, Perry, and Bolton, along with others, to testify? Are you demanding the truth here? Do you care enough to know what they know? Or does it not matter? I’m the guy that believes in the truth and the rule of law. Which guy are you?


You mean the phone call that nobody can show exists?

If you can provide details that call was real by all means. Otherwise who gives a ■■■■ about these talking points. more cec lies

I cannot love this enough.

The biggest surprise of my adult life is how the GOP has completely rolled over for someone who is so dangerously unfit to be President to blatantly try to hold on to political power

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It has proven just how pervasively rotten to the core the GOP has been for some time now. Well before Trump came on the scene. He just exposed the cancer that was deeply rooted within the party for who knows how long. @margaretms2 had tried to warn myself and others of this reality for a long time, and it took someone like Trump to fully expose me to just how accurate she was for all of these years.


The thing is that I feel that the country needs both a left and a right wing to make the compromises to make things work.

The right wing though hasn’t been rooted in reality for a while and they are much much less a group of honest negotiators on policy than the left wing is now.

It’s like the Birchers won the GOP or something.


I completely agree on all fronts. And yes, the Birchers, at least the very worst part of their “society” have won out the day within the GOP. The party is attracting conspiracy theorists to the point where that is what the majority of its leadership and media arms now promote full time. I honestly am at a loss as to how to even interact with a group that is this far removed from reality.

This should be a crazy sign of how loony things are.

“I used to spend ninety per cent of my constituent response time on people who call, e-mail, or send a letter, such as, ‘I really like this bill, H.R. 123,’ and they really believe in it because they heard about it through one of the groups that they belong to, but their view was based on actual legislation,” Nunes said. “Ten per cent were about ‘Chemtrails from airplanes are poisoning me’ to every other conspiracy theory that’s out there. And that has essentially flipped on its head.” The overwhelming majority of his constituent mail is now about the far-out ideas, and only a small portion is “based on something that is mostly true.” He added, “It’s dramatically changed politics and politicians, and what they’re doing.”

In case you didn’t catch that… that what Devin Nunes talking.

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If everything is on the up and up then what is there to shield? Trump has something to hide…I wonder what can it be… :face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking:

  • Maybe he’s not as wealthy as he say he is, you all know how he love to lie.
  • Maybe he got some loans from some foreign entity that are shady. Folks know how he can’t get a loan in the United States
  • Could it be that he committed tax fraud which is definitely not the behavior of the common man he’s suppose to be supporting who do pay taxes.
  • Or maybe there’s a more sinister going, maybe he’s on some Russian Oligarch or Putin’s payroll. I mean he is Putin’s bitch.

He’s scared of what we might find which would show he’s nothing more than a tax cheating con man willing to sell out the US for some dollars and prestige. We all know he’s a sensitive, small and insecure boy he is.

My guess is all of the above


He is not wrong either. The problem though, is that the ones who know better are too craven to shoot it down, because they are using the conspiracists and their brand of crazy to propel their own power attempts. It is a disease. And like any disease, it needs to be eradicated.

I was told there would be no math questions.

McConnell put out an ad in Sept, before the impeachment inquiry produced anything, that said flat out impeachment would fail so long as he was majority leader. He does not give a single, solitary ■■■■ whether Trump is guilty of anything or not, he will ensure conviction is impossible purely for political reasons (which of course is all the entire impeachment process is). Are you honestly delusional enough to believe they will give this a fair shake any more than you believed the house would give it a fair shake?


That article posted by builds from vox really aims up what’s going on In politics… the gop are playing short term ans trying to modify the system because demographics are gonna slaughter them.

People dont want their ideas.


I regret that I have but one like to give to your post.

Ruth Ginsburg has ordered a stay until Dec. 13th.

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Doesn’t look good for democrats ATM

The left’s favorite Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, dealt House Democrats a stunning blow in their efforts to obtain President Trump’s tax records.

Libs have 5 days to properly augur their case to change her mind, and it may be indicative of the weakness of the Democrats case.

It’s amusing that you think this is some kind of big development… Dec 13th is going to be fun…