Trump asks Supreme Court to shield financial records from House Democrats —

In their petition, Trump’s attorneys cautioned that congressional subpoenas could be used as political weapons against a sitting president if the justices don’t overrule the D.C. Circuit’s decision.

Given the obvious temptation to investigate the personal affairs of political rivals, subpoenas concerning the private lives of presidents will become routine in times of divided government,” they wrote.

Oh, the irony.

In before, “This isn’t the same thing as trying to get Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden! That’s a legitimate use of the executive branch’s authority to root out corruption, Trump’s favorite crusade!”


The big difference is that Trump is a great man and Joe Biden is a common criminal.

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The chosen one is not merely a man.

Will scotus protect trump and thus become a political arm or see beyond his term in office

Guess who gets to decide whether to grant an administrative stay to allow fat donald’s stay request to be heard at the 12/13 SCOTUS conference?
Her name is Ruth.

and if this goes against Trump… Does anyone think he will comply?

In the Mazarrs case he doesn’t have to do anything, they already have the records and will comply.


He has no choice

One always has a choice…He could play King Donald and say nope…not going to do it. I would think he would comply…but there has to be a voice in the back of everyone’s head that says we are indeed in uncharted waters here with this president.

It’s out of his hands honestly

I’ll take your word for it then. :wink:

From what I understand he cant tell them no after the ruling.

He doesn’t have possession of the records, Mazarrs does… They will comply…

Mazar already stated that they will comply.

Depressingly: what if they do? What if his records clearly show that he wildly overinflated his properties’ worth for loan valuation purposes, and underinflated them for tax purposes? Clear evidence of an actual crime, not a “high crime or misdemeanor”? Will it make a dent in the support of the faithful? I think not. If it hasn’t happened by now, it’s not gonna. People won’t start jumping ship until their own political lives are clearly threatened.

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The headline “shield from House Democrats” is false. The goal is for Trump to shield them from the American people. There is a reason it is called “the people’s house.”

I don’t think the faithful are interested in this. There is a certain pride in knowing that Trump is awful, but he’s there guy.

However, in an election that will depend on turnout, because the faithful of neither side are going to flip, finding that Trump pays a lower tax rate than most of the voters who dislike him could be a tremendous goad to turnout.

The headline “shield from House Democrats” is false. The goal is for Trump to shield them from the American people.


It’s not him who is going to comply it’s his accountants

Yeah…I understand that now.