Just dealing with the judicial nominees in this thread.
All 10 nominees are for Article III posts, 1 is Circuit, 9 District. 7 of those 9 District Judges are to various districts in New York State.
Here are the names:
Ryan D. Nelson, to be United States Circuit Judge - 9th Circuit, to a seat in Idaho.
Gary R. Brown, to be a United States District Judge - Eastern District of New York
Diane Gujarati, to be a United States District Judge - Eastern District of New York
Eric R. Komitee, to be a United States District Judge - Eastern District of New York
Rachel P. Kovner, to be a United States District Judge - Eastern District of New York
Lewis J. Liman, to be a United States District Judge - Southern District of New York
Corey L. Maze, to be a United States District Judge - Northern District of Alabama
John L. Sinatra, Jr., to be a United States District Judge - Western District of New York
Mary Kay Vyskocil, to be a United States District Judge - Southern District of New York
Joshua Wolson, to be a United States District Judge - Eastern District of Pennsylvania
The seven Judges for New York are part of a comprehensive deal between Trump and Schumer, with some of the nominees being favorable to Republicans, while the others are favorable to Democrats. Schumer has already announced his support for all the nominees. Diane Gujarati was previously nominated by President Obama for the same post.
This group looks very well qualified, no duds in this bunch.