Trump and First Lady tested positive for Covid-19

You think heā€™ll make it to the next debate?

Mainly, the more that get infected and become resistant, the harder it is for the pathogen to ā€œfindā€ those that have not been infected.

Then mutation/variation.

Like I said, the H1N1 around today is not the H1N1 that infected people during the Spanish Flu.

It does not matter.

Your post about him ā€œriskingā€ his life for us is ridiculous.


:rofl::+1:t3: Thank you.

The question is will Biden make it?

Trump will be holding campaign rallies before this week is through.

Since you did not understand the referenceā€¦ here

In many other ā€œWill Biden Debateā€ Threadsā€¦ cons were claiming that Joe would get COVID as an excuse to not debate.

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Hereā€™s where youā€™re told you are wrong and what you really meant in the post you made.

Face it libsā€¦Trump will be out there campaigning and doing circles around Biden in few days after nearly died.

That optics isnā€™t going to look good for Joe.

So now he nearly died?

Was it just a mild case? Or was it serious?

Iā€™m just glad he put his life on the line for us little people.

You realize that these ridiculous storylines are only playing for the people who were already going to vote for him, donā€™t you?

You think swing voters are buying this?

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Please explain exactly how those optics are bad for Joe.

Or is Trump in such bad physical shape that he would nearly die from a mild case?

If Joe Biden truly cared about America, heā€™d get COVID.

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He has the true charism now.

Just a sobering reminder. Herman Cain tweeted how good he was feeling about a week and a half before he passed away.

All we can do is hope.


Who are you to say?

a patriarchal god and superman all rolled into one


I think itā€™s pretty obvious it wasnā€™t a necessity for Trump to take a ride outside last night.

Well that didnā€™t age well.

Oh boy, what faux outrage. I bet if he had remained out of public view, you would be suggesting that he was ā€œobviouslyā€ on his death bed and hiding his grave condition from the public.