Trump admits gambling with our lives

This is one of the more unhinged thread starters in recent memory.

We’re gambling with American lives 24hrs a day, 7 days a week and have been for over sixty years.

We have a chance in Singapore to bring that gambling to an end.

As long as NK has nuclear capabilities tens of millions of lives are at risk on the Peninsula, in the US, Japan, and all of our Pacific holdings and bases as well as right here in the US.

Taking a chance to end that nightmare isn’t gambling with our lives, it is an attempt to put it to an end.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

One born every minute. This ought to be good. :popcorn:


Instead of trolling if you have something of substance to contribute by all means make your case.

Wildrose…wasn’'t it you a couple of days ago who made a similar type of post, talking about the economy tanking when in actuality it was doing well and complaining about it? You were attempting to be funny, presumably. (I don’t remember the exact title of the thread, but I’m pretty sure you were the one who started it.)

Call Me Ishmael attempted to do the exact same thing. Call Me Ishmael loves Trump and thinks everything he does is great.

He was attempting to write a criticism of Trump in what he supposes is the style of the “LIbs” he denigrates.

But read his post carefully. Unlike actual complaints from people who think Trump is taking us down the road to ruin, Call Me Ishmael never really makes valid complaints against Trump.

That sentence about “gambling with people’s lives” because he’s extrapolating Trump’s sentence - “there’s a chance for success…” c’mon - did that actually make any sense?

What’s funny is that Ishmael is attempting to parody a real complaint about Trump, and does it so poorly - he refuses to see the actual things about Trump that he could complain about…


Not enough popcorn in the world for this thread. :popcorn:

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No, it wasn’t similar, I wasn’t trying to insult anyone.

As for ISH if I misread him he’ll let me know.

Just read his posts in this thread after his initial one. He explains exactly the purpose of his post, which was to mock what he sees as unjustified complaints regarding Trump by people he calls “Libs.”

And yes, the style of your posts was exactly similar. I can’t remember the technical term for it - parody is not the right word,but whatever the technical term it’s a stupid tactic…as your misunderstanding, and Meri’s of Ishmael’s OP shows.

I tend to read threads from the top down. I see it now.

And I hate these new forums. I just saw your response after I had typed my previous response.

Please mods or “Administrator” - can we chuck this awful “improvement” and go back to the old software which worked just fine?

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Sad as it is to say, I think we’re stuck with it.

The old forum had it’s issues but this format is horrible.

Bwahahahahaha. I needed an early morning laugh. Thanks!! :rofl:

The thread is perfect. There is no difference in the absurdity of the OP and the absurdity of -for example - Libs taking Trump’s joke about Canada and the White House and then setting their hair on fire under the twisted notion that we are led by a man who considers Canada to be a national security threat.

Do libs even know the context of “national security” within the tarrif discussion? Apparently the hive narrative set them up to look like fools (except to one another) by telling them that Trump’s invocation of “national security” meant he considered the countries threats. Oh yes…Trump is so dumb… HOW DUMB IS HE?

Let’s rewind to March 8.
“we’re also taking action to protect american industries that are vital to our national security…”

You know what this means in the national security context? Probably not. It means that even in a global economy, a nation is at risk if it relies solely on other nations to produce raw materials and products needed for that nation’s national defense. And while an ally who produces such material may be helpful if those materials are needed, that ally is itself a sovereign nation and may have conflicting needs … or may be governed by an ideological competitor who just does not agree to help us.

Now… given how Libs and Lib-like Trump haters read three words and then respond, I expect that some will post how the tariffs are counter productive etc etc. OK… that’s where the discussion should lie… not with the notion that “national security” implies that Trump views allies as a threat just because he wants to impose tarrif on their products.

Libs say they want meaningful discussion. They laugh at the notion that I have provided substance in many of my posts. Hey… you libs have set the stage. Trolling trolling trolling? Yeah… every thread and post that pretends Trump views Canada as a threat is just that.

So you think he was making a joke.
Do you think it was funny?
Do you think it was appropriate considering the reports were that
it was a very tense conversation?

ten ch

Nothing in your feeble faceplant of an OP (which shows one more time that humor requires some honesty, so is unattainable for a certain type of conservative) changes Trump’s bitch relationship to Putin.

Hey BigBear! Howyadoin?

your post is like a new ornament on my Christmas tree of TDS evidence.
Thanks :slight_smile:

Speaking of bitches in the white house…

Bull ■■■■■ Everyone knew the op before they even opened the thread.


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