Trump administration tells court it won't defend Obamacare against lawsuit seeking to cripple it

Why don’t we just use Trump’s plan? He said it would cover everyone, the federal government would pay for it and it would be more inclusive of coverage and better than O-care.

Flyover country - where gold plated toilets on your personal jumbo jet are as common as gun racks on your pick up truck.


You need to get out of that bubble once in a while. I could tell you an antecedotal experience involving medicare and my mother which would explain why i call it rationed care but it is a bit too personal.

I think she would still be with us if not for “rationed care”.

“Bubble”? Medicare is enormously popular among Americans, regardless of party. You dispute that fact?

A good many folks consider medicare as substandard compared to private insurance.

Yeah, and a good many working folks in their late 50s and early 60s are hanging on for dear life and have their fingers crossed, in hopeful anticipation of their Medicare eligibility. Again, Medicare is enormously popular, across party lines. President Trump ran specifically on not messing with it.

Statistically, in the US, the people most satisfied with their healthcare are those on single-payer plans such as Medicare.

I guess those 77% are all in the bubble?


Lose your mom because of medicare and then get back to me on how great it is. Until then talk to the hand. :shushing_face:

I wouldn’t call hem “stupid” If they recognize liberal lies and pandering.

the trump administration is literally trying to kill americans.

its not hyperbole. its what they are trying to do. and they must be stopped by any means possible

I made no personal judgement about Medicare, really. I simply stated the objective and indisputable fact that it’s enormously popular–and popular regardless of party affiliation. My grandmother is 99 and worked until she was in her early 80s. I have no idea what kind of full-on private insurance you think she’d be able to get at her age.

I like her.

Oh yes he does.

And public accommodation laws.


I wouldn’t worry too much. “Compelling government interest…”

I find it funny they used Roberts own plan.

Maybe now Congress will have to ac… I can’t :rofl:

You still should have saved more or gotten better paying jobs if you don’t like Medicare. Also, you don’t have to go to a doctor that accepts Medicare patients. You can go to any other doctor as long as you pay for it yourself.

Why didn’t you just pay for your mother to get the care you think she needed from another doctor that doesn’t accept Medicare patients?

And don’t give me that bull that you arent wealthy enough. If not having to rely on Medicare is so important to you, you would have made different choices regarding spending on other things to have enough to self insure.

That’s fine by me. Just means we have a chance at getting someone competent to defend it instead.

Pst…there are still people in those “blue” New England states who don’t even have Mass Health or Connecticare. They are “self pay”.

And there are private practitioners in the “red” states, God sometimes I wonder, is this politics or a kid’s coloring book, but anyway, they do volunteer for various medical charities so that the uninsured & Medicaid pending do get medical and dental care. And those so called “red states” do have public health clinics and hospitals that accept uninsured.

Seeing a doctor is one thing. Getting treatment is another.

So, doctors in public health clinics and hospitals that accept the uninsured don’t treat?

And people with group health policies they’ve had for years should have their coverage reduced to pay not only for their own, but everyone else’s insurance?

There are people not even covered by Connecticare or Mass Health up here, the ol’ “self pay”, while some who are offered group health policies take advantage of Mass Health.

The whole ACA is a disaster that needs to be swept into the dust bin of history and never revived.