Trump administration approves settlement to allow downloadable plans for 3-D printed guns

The Trump administration reversed course in June and settled with a Texas company and is allowing them to post plans for 3-D printed guns…

The thing is…how can the NRA and the gun manufacturers profit from this?

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Not to worry, the president’s on it…

“Allow a company to publish” … I thought that there was a 1st amendment and all that doesn’t require permission.
Heck the plans for an atom bomb were published in a magazine in 1942 (?)

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Let freedom ring…

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Everybody has the right to have the ability to own a plastic gun. It’s ridiculous that a person needs to purchase a 3d printer just so they can print plastic guns. I should be able to purchase quality plastic guns from my local arms dealer. 2nd Amendment.

Absolutely… Why should an ISIS member in Syria have to procure a 3D printer?

Trump wiped out ISIS… You don’t have to worry anymore…

trump also ended the North Korea threat! Trump is cool.

Given the choice, I would choose a real gun vs plastic gun. The real gun will last longer. The only advantage the plastic gun has is it’s ability to be mass produced, and it’s ability to bypass metal detectors.

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He is cool… Good point.

He’s a regular Cool Hand Luke.

Trump, and only Trump, can fix things.

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All your base are belong to Trump.

Have reviewed the last 30 years of swamp accomplishments? What’s your favorite?

The definitive answer to Mx. Tex’s post…

I went and looked at the arkle reffed. In part"

“I have a question for the Trump Administration: Why are you allowing dangerous criminals easy access to weapons?” Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson, a Democrat, said in a statement Monday. "These downloadable guns are unregistered and very difficult to detect,

This is one of those straw dogs. How exactly was the Trump admin supposed to stop any and all from publishing plans for anything? That’s one.

And two… This particular jin was out of the proverbial bottle years before Trumpus MAGA assumed the big boy chair. Plans have been out for a long time.

To wit:

Within seven hours of posting the files on DEFCAD, the online forum where designs for 3D printed guns and components are posted, Wilson said people around the world are already downloading it.

And here is the link to the 2013 article…

In short the cat has been out of the bag for a long time. If you insist on placing blame then blame the Obama terror admin. And he couldn’t have stopped it either…even if he tried. Which he did not.

Trump has filled the swamp. He’s politics as usual, if not worse. But he’s cool to you!

so, you didn’t answer the question, and the lack of examples speaks for itself… lol!

Mx. FritoBandito… Even Trump can’t fix what cannot be fixed.

Why do dems pretend they are against gun violence and then undermine the police in their cities who work to prevent it?