Trump 2024 VP Pick?

No it isn’t.

Do you know what Cuban means in NV and AZ? Nothing.

How is Youngkin going to “deliver” VA?

Nobody on your list delivers the GOP minority of never Trumpers. Nobody on your list helps with the fenale vote Trump lost in 2020.

Only zealots and fanatics support Uke pissing away outside of MAGA.

But Hailey is Trump’s draw off. An alliance with her gets him more than your list combined.

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Your fever dream of Russian conquest of Poland is not reality.

What is the only reason I care about who runs Europe.

They are nato states

If America pulls out Nato and EU will have to step in.

I don’t see a Trump/Haily reunion.

After what they said about each other it would take AWAY from Trump’s credibility and he can’t risk that. I believe he wont. I’d lose all respect I have of him.
Man’s word still means a lot to the right folks.

Haily is a Political lader-climber…she would jump on the offer like a dog on a bone.
I don’t like Political prostitutes.

Yes, they are. And why does that matter?

Do a search for “Poland” in this thread.

Any rationalization ship in a narrative storm…

I don’t think pulling completely out of NATO is necessary. The current conditions are much like “you should never hit a woman.” No consideration for the acts of the other side.

The time to stop this was a long time before the first shot was fired. Like maybe some fair atribration for Ukraine shutting of the water in Crimea. Or even before.


Who would you vote for if he did?

i stand by my posts, its easy to cherry pick the few times i am wrong (i am not perfect) instead of the many, many times i am right.

like biden running for a second term (a huge mistake)


WSJ: Nikki Haley says she had a “good conversation” with Trump and warns GOP of possible Biden alternative


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It wasn’t about you being wrong Allan, it was about you making ■■■■ up.


I wonder what a “good conversation” with Trump looks like. :wink:


Her. Her being the alternative :upside_down_face:

which of course, i dont do, mostly present facts.


“Mostly” :laughing:


Haley should replace Biden and watch heads explode.

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Hee hee!