Trump 2024 VP Pick?

A guy in a wheelchair? Trump doesn’t like that.

who says?

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where did he say that? what did he say?

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where/when did he say that? what exactly did he say?

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Mark Milley claims Trump made shocking comment about disabled veteran: ‘No one wants to see that’ | The Independent. Gen Mark Milley claims Trump made shocking comment about disabled veteran: ‘No one wants to see that’

of course he did

proves you never really saw/heard trump say that

and what is claimed that he said is nothing like what you said he said. you must work for the news


You don’t have to defend Trump. You don’t believe Milley?

i believe my own eyes and ears. not ■■■■ news


Does this person work for Trump? Or is it some meaningless photo op?

a lot more meaningful than an out of context quote by a woke ninny reported in hack press


Does that person work for him? Yes or no?

use your own eyes and ears.

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Look at his body language.

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not reliable in a pic

You know how it is - deranged social retards have a bad thought about their Orange Julius, and all of a sudden it’s being projected all over sane people. :wink:


:rofl::+1:t5: Why not?

Fake picture

because it captures merely one frame. an instant.

what’s impt to note is that he appeared with a person wheelchair bound. if he hated that so much as they say he would have avoided

Is it? :rofl: