TRUDEAU TURNS: Trudeau Slams Trump’s Tariffs, Retaliates with US TAX

funny how the libs who are honest about themselves being libs all seem to align with your old timey “conservative” opinions.

If you say so champ. What non-conservative position have I taken here? Or do you believe my agreement with Ben Sasse and Orin Hatch puts me in line with a couple of big time libs?

your position on tariffs is aligned with virtually every progressive liberal who has an opinion.

Funniest ■■■■ I’ve seen all morning.

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refute it if you can

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This is what I get for replying with anything other than asking you to go troll someone else.

So, go troll someone else.

Democrats and libs like @Call_me_Ishmael are applauding this move. :rofl:

I’ve been in the domestic steel industry since 1991.

I don’t want to see tariffs. I know what it will do to the rest of the economy and I know what will happen in my own industry.

Years ago we had too many steel mills to support the domestic market. By too many, I mean too many old dilapidated mills. Many of those closed when the markets tightened.

Tariffs will be a temporary band-aid for US steel mills. We need to focus on being more competitive without tariffs. Tariffs will not make us more competitive, it will make us lazy.

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Oh, and don’t think the price of domestic steel won’t increase because of these tariffs. If Canadian steel costs 25% more, we’ll probably raise prices at least 10%, perhaps as high as 20%. So steel costs will go up across the board.

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people should read msnbc and huff post if they think Libs favor tariffs. Libs here and at the progressive liberal thought citadels are slamming Trump for his tariff policies.

There are a few exceptions … mostly politicians pretending to be concerned about the common man.

Steel futures wayyyyyy up today…


I’m listening to Senator Mike Lee on Glenn Beck right now. He agrees with me. While you and @Blueslegend are siding with Senator Elizabeth Warren. :rofl:

Let me guess, it’s because I’m old-timey in my conservative position here, and you and Warren are the new conservatives. Right?

half right.

Warren is not a conservative.

This is where populism is confusing you. You don’t know how it fits or what it does to the previous models of conservatism. In the past, many regular common people did not have a viable choice in leaders. They had to select conservatives or liberals. Now they have a choice. And alot of us who previously called themselves conservatives without qualification are finding that the old school mainstream conservatives are often at odds with us. In so far as conservatism had a “traditional values” plank in their platform and it was THAT plank that allowed us to say “yes, we are conservatives”, that old school conservative platform has some competition today. And more and more, the competition, represented by Trump, represents who we are. We will eventually own the name “conservatives”. The meaning of the name will deemphasize most of what is important to old school conservatives and emphasize what you sneeringly refer to as populism. It won’t be as simple, ignorant, nor as impotent as you imagine. What will the old school conservatives be called then? Probably liberals.

So not only do you admit that you were never a conservative to begin with, but further that you are intentionally attempting to hijack the ideology, bastardize it beyond all recognition, and then pretend that it is the new conservatism. It’s a combination of a con and a cancer. Sounds about right and a fitting play that is in line with Trump and his sycophantic cultists.

You and your conservative intelligentsia did not own the definition of conservatism, your superior ability to pontificate in public notwithstanding.

You few were -as a political force - nothing without us. And now that you are losing our support, you resort to the most vile name calling.

Coming from the resident race baiting troll, this is rich.

debate skills kinda rusty?

Well, who didn’t see THAT coming?