Troubles in paradise

That’s an easy fight to win if I’m Trump. Take a look at state X. They opened back up and are doing fine. You kept stuff closed and it’s MY fault?

At least in Pennsylvania, the governor is being forced to gradually open things up, and local prosecutors and police are choosing not to enforce excessively restrictive edicts.

As far as the nation as a whole, destroying the economy in California affects the whole nation; the federal government should not subsidize stupidity.

Rand Paul makes the case that we should allow state and local authorities to reopen at their own pace and be responsible for the economic costs of their decisions. New York City is not the same as North Dakota. We will learn by doing.

All federal funds and any bailout should end May 15th. And monetary damage afterwards should be strictly left to the states.

I listened to him a couple of times today. I like what he had to say.


“Approval of President Donald Trump’s handing of the coronavirus outbreak has also declined to 44 percent, with 51 percent disapproval, compared to March when approval was 51 percent and disapproval 46 percent.”


A republican politician replaced another Republican politician? I’m shocked. :joy_cat:

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Endorsed by Trump.

You can’t beat him.

Statewide. Last month. Trump endorsed.

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If that was an attempt to keep him happy and wanting to remain in California, that was the worst attempt ever. She really turned on the charm. :roll_eyes:

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“Approval of Gov. Tony Evers’ handling of the coronavirus issue has also declined, with 64 percent approving and 32 percent disapproving. In March, 76 percent approved and 17 percent disapproved.”

Donald would trample Favored Daughter for a 64% approval rating.

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In California a republican won a seat that was in democrats control since 98.

Well, well…


Yes interesting. I wonder how many business they raided for opening up. Or what are they going to do if other business follow suit? Are they going to sent in storm troopers?

Inquiring minds want to know. :wink:

Elon Weirdo tore up his draft card. :rofl::fist:

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why would the federal government bail out state governments, don’t they have taxing authority?

I believe that The democrats just made in person voting illegal in California. The Russia hoax proves that the dems are not opposed to election tampering. This just makes it easier. This seat may turn again soon.

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These two posts say a lot. And I mean a lot.


Thanks! They were meant to! :yum:

Some quiet introspection might help.

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