Troops to leave A-stan

Mongols are the exception to almost everything.

mostly true, but when massoud was assassinated any hope of the northern alliance being able to gain enough support to form a government ended. after that the goal was only to shore up whichever government survived to prevent the taliban taking over again.

Duh. Thanks Captain obvious.

It appears that you are a little confused about history. I will help you.

Gitmo was loaded with terrorists taken from the field in Afghanistan. Including the man who planned 911. Tens of thousands of Al Kaida members and the Taliban who protected them were sent from Afghanistan to meet Allah. What is left or us to do there other than declare victory and leave? What exactly is it that you think we need to do?

Yes. But donā€™t get we wrong, they can hide anywhere. Iā€™m glad we are going to quit killing our soldiers for nothing.

Wrong. Nobody died for nothing. If having two major cities attacked is not a justification for war then what is?

And please donā€™t dishonor them by attempting to speak for them. They volunteered for this. They didnā€™t believe it was for nothing. No service member wantā€™s your input on their sacrifice. None.

as with everything else biden has ben successful with all he has to do to succeed is ask one simple questionā€¦ WWTD.

That said, Iā€™m sure heā€™ll find a reason to not leave before september, or create one if one doesnā€™t pop up.

George Bush sets the date for troops to pull out from Iraq. Obama gets blamed for it.

Trump sets the date for troops to pull out from Afghanistan. Biden gets blamed for it, Trump gets praised.




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Protecting poppy fields from the Taliban?

Weird? have you been hiding under a rock? Let me school you on something since you seem to live in wonderland.

Democrats blame all problems on republicans and take credit for all successes.

Republicans blame all problems on democrats and take credit for all successes.

Do see something different?



good grief, man. next time Iā€™ll add the sarcasm tag to make it easier for you to understand before making a personal shot.

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Yes, I worry about international terrorism, but I also worry about Afghanistan itself being rolled back to the Mideval times.

But I have a question: from your question and tone, it seems that you are unconcerned about the pull out; if another terrorist attack occurs, we can just smack them down again. Is this correct?

Fair enough. I apologize for being unnecessarily harsh. But my point is 100 percent true.


Reluctantly agree. Sunk cost is a terrible reason to continue keeping our men and women in harmā€™s way.

That, and making the country safe for the rape of young boys.

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Trump set 9/11 as the date?

We didnā€™t go there to make them a good country. We went there because of 911. Itā€™s not our job to fix the world. Itā€™s our job to defend ourselves. We already did that.

They are not actually in harms way right now. For us, itā€™s not even a war anymore. We are taking zero casualties. Baltimore is more dangerous for Americans than Afghanistan. Time to leave.

Like Carlin said, first rule, I donā€™t believe anything the government tells me especially this lie. The Taliban offered up Bin Laden and his people on a platter well before the first troops landed in Afghanistan.

bin Laden wasnā€™t enough. We needed to kill or capture all of the leadership and most of the fighters. Wipe them out as a fighting force. There is no way we should have accepted any deal. Killing them was the only way to achieve justice.