Trend Continues (Sep Edition): Less Revenue From Tax Bill

Actually it is what happens and has been happening for nearly 30 years…interrupted only briefly by the massive productivity gains the digital age brought us.

Even then, the bulk of those gains did not accrue to wage earners.

“massive productivity gains”

i was made a lot richer thanks the Ragan tax cuts on the 80s which fueled the 90’s prosperity on into the early 2000’s

tha’s the next generation in my book

but please continue to tell us how lower taxes and less down pressure on wealth generation makes people poorer

pardon typos

Who do you think is going to pay back the trillions in debt that you guys racked up?

And our debt friggin exploded.

Well, at least we have one person to blame.

“pay back??”

do you consider this a gift loan from the government?

keeping our money has nothing to do with the government’s fiscal irresponsibilities

I thought libs said trump lied and was gonna take more of our paychecks.

This looks like good news.

Trump raiding our grandchildren’s piggy banks!

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But our children’s future! Who gave you and Trump the right to spend them Into debt!

You dont have children.

thanks for finally joining the discussion instead of making stupid troll posts about me voting etc

we dont work hard and earn money so we can pay the governments bills

if we struggle to keep spending within our means, so should the government

lets see…how else can i put this…

the amount of OUR money we keep should not be impacted by how badly the government handles theirs

Because tax receipts are down.

wow so much brainwashing…

there is no “piggybank”

(unless you are talking about raiding soc sec to pay for entitlements)

we need to spend within our means. so should the government.

keeping our own money is not raiding anyone! how absurd

and socialist

You don’t know the first thing about me; stop dodging, why are you selling out the future of our children even in the self flagellating “best economy ever”?

keeping our money that WE earned is not selling anyone out

see how badly you’ve been brainwashed?

So you are unaware of the deficit and debt? That is pathetic! But I guess the bar is pretty low for Trump voters…

It’s not the government’s fiscal irresponsibility. It’s your fiscal irresponsibility. Who do you think is going to pay those loans you made?

of course i am

why should we be responsible for the government’s gross inefficiencies, waste and unending spending in the red?

please answer that question

Because we voted for them to represent us.

Who else is could possible be responsible?

govt not fiscally responsible?


no wonder we re in this mess that youre made about people keeping some more of their own money