!Transgender Rights!

Social normalization.

So nothing less than heckling others on the internet to believe a certain way about “you” is meaningful?

The are plenty of people of all kinds who wish they could change things about themselves or about how others think that aren’t demanding to end free speech over it.

Encouragement in general is better than discouragement, but reality as it is doesn’t change because of wishful thinking and coddling.

Who’s free speech is being ended by trans kids?

Anyone who is censored or criticized about not agreeing to allow Dr. Mengele style child abuse experiments, for one example.

Anyone concerned with getting raped in a public toilet for another.

Sicko criminals taking advantage of current social or political leniency is something to be concerned about

HOW “your” views can effect “my” children.

The term “normalization” was first used by do-gooders about the “mentally retarded”. Pass laws and rules that their care in institutions be based on the idea of “normalization.”. Meaning, they have meaningful work or school, taking up their daily hours and wear clothing as if they were normal.

Imagine thousand upon thousands of unfortunates with IQ of below 60 who bang their heads, being Marched up and down stairs to “go to school” or sit at a table to do make believe work tasks. Because of do-gooder legislation.

Not “normal” What is normal?

What level of “custodial care” is needed? Maybe “trans” people will require custodial beauticians at tax payers expense.

Nobody is losing their free speech over this. There are plenty of places online where folks are saying this ■■■■ you’re saying and nobody is stopping them. For example:

Anyone concerned with getting raped in a public toilet for another.

If you are concerned about that then there are much better solutions to solving that then forbidding transgender people from using the restrooms that match their gender identity.

Also there have already been a few studies that have found no uptick in bathroom rapes in areas that allow transgender people to use the restroom they want.


You think people with mental retardation are still institutionalized?

Technically true, however “following instructions” is not easy for people of incorrigible disbelief

I have no idea to what point in history you are talking about. Many things have been socially normalized. For example the idea of mothers working instead of staying home to take care of the kids and home. Do you want to compare mothers to the “mentally retarded” the way you have transgender people?

Where transgender people aren’t treated as if they are exotic or a threat to society.

Why would they require that? Do cisgender people require that?

Baloney. Even one case is bad enough.

Trans women are also raped.

Bottom line is there are no “solutions,” other then armed guards in every toilet and that’s not happening.

Like all other social problems this problems require something more than wishful thinking and big government. Living beings face much more than trivial, social, answers.


Can you give an example of someones first amendment rights being censored?

Learn some history objectively.

Mother’s “staying home”. was a wonderful thing.

World destroyers hate the idea. They like to play god.

The entire leftist plans to destabilize life on earth is the karma of devil worship—the cause of all the problems in the first place, since the beginning of time.

In my opinion 18-year-olds should be able to smoke, drink, join the military, own a gun, and have gender-affirming surgery. But if you think 18-year-olds are too immature for those things, how are younger teenage children mature enough to decide to have elective and irreversible surgery?

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You’re right, one is bad enough. But as you also said, there are no solutions besides armed guards. Though that’s not quite true… you could convert all multi user public restrooms to single user. You could add some sort of surveillance system. All of these would be much more effective then baring transgender people from using the restroom.

Think about it logically… the fear is that predators will use the excuse of being a transwoman to enter the women’s restroom and rape… but how much effort does it take to just dress up like a woman and hide those attributes that would out you as a man? If some ■■■■■■■ wants to sneak into a women’s restroom to rape someone does it seem logical that having to spend an extra 5 minutes making sure they pass is going to be what stops them from doing it?

Yes… and usually when they use the restroom that matches their biological sex instead of their gender identity.

Which restroom is the person on the right more likely to get raped in?

Would you be comfortable sharing the restroom with this person?

Your opinion on this is totally irrelevant to the point. Working mothers have been normalized.

The entire leftist plans to destabilize life on earth is the karma of devil worship—the cause of all the problems in the first place, since the beginning of time.

Mmm, yea… that’s not real.

This is an example of the endless and obvious “Normalizations,” that are unrealistic.

Even single person locking restrooms doesn’t solve the problem of criminals being criminals—as Blaire White would no doubt agree with.

A pervasive entitlement environment is not the solution to “trans,” problems anymore than non-trans problems.

My understanding is that they don’t do any elective/irreversible surgery for gender affirming care until they are at least 16… so we’re talking about a difference of two years. Is there really that much cognitive development in those two years to hinder them making an informed permanent decision? And keep in mind they are still minors, they still have to have their parents okay, and one would assume they would be required to be evaluated by several doctors and therapists .

Not real wise either way.

But disallowing transgender people from using the restroom that corresponds with their gender identity isn’t going to solve the problem of criminals being criminals either. But it does negatively affect transgender people.

Do you believe saving a cisgender women from being raped is more important than a transgender woman? I believe its equal.

And none of this incessant blabbering changes the truth of the matter, that “trans” people can pass in a woman’s room, or men’s room, or, if they can’t pass as a woman or man to begin with.

The women’s sports competitions allowing biological men to compete, is insane and an affront to anyone and everything decent. The people pushing that are insane

BTW there is no such thing as “cisgender,” just because someone made up a word.

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