!Transgender Rights!

People use to be able to go to bed with their doors unlocked.

Now a lot of people live in fear, thanks to the Obama Presidency and the Democrats
trying to destroy the country and create Anarchy.


Must. Always. Punch. Downward.


This is it.

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Your view is that the world was a Utopia, then Obama happened?

We all held hands and kept our doors unlocked, and then Obama ruined everything?

You ■■■■■■■ with us, aren’t you?

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It’s always about assuming the absolute worst in those different from you. See : refugee caravans, transgender folks, gay folks, muslims. They are diseased, want to kill you, destroy america, corrupt your children, and aren’t even really people. Punch them.


I’m of the opinion that trans men should use bathrooms for men and trans women should use women bathrooms.


It’s amazing where your minds go with this, over and over and over again.

There’s no link between this issue and increase crime in bathrooms (what a weird sentence to write).

the “gender identity” definition of legal sex would effectively eliminate single-sex facilities and institutions

No, it wouldn’t.


Are you just Poe-ing all of us with this now?

Gay marriage will lead to people marrying their garbage disposals and straight couples will abandon each other for their gerbils!


I never locked my doors until I heard about the migrant caravan. Just imagining the horde of women and children walking this way a mere 2000 miles from my front door was enough to make me go out and buy a mattress protector.


The odds are high. There’s been some real hum dingers around here.

This has always been one of my favorites: Gay marriage as “Societal Suicide,” by Watergate 7-veteran Chuck Colson.

After he wrote this, he presumably pulled a full Lloyd Bridges and jumped out the nearest window . . .

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Nobody cares. A women being ogled by a man in the shower in a California homeless shelter don’t. I seriously doubt that their first concern is “I wonder how many transgender people PocketAces knows?”

I can only speak from personal experience, but I found that people who had lived abroad in non-white cultures among those people for an extended period of time and their liberal politics were almost always connected, with one or two Glenn Beckian exceptions.

Maybe first-hand experience with “The Other” triggered memories of the lessons from “A Christmas Carol,” or maybe only liberals would ever want to live abroad in ■■■■■■■■■ in the first place. Or maybe both.

I live in a neighborhood and a city that was notoriously dangerous 30 to 40 years ago. In line with the long-term national trends, violent crime is way, way down here and I even sleep with a door unlocked, on occasion. But after hearing about this dangerous migrant caravan, I am sealing up the joint.

Agree. If we just tattooed every baby’s forehead with an M or an F at birth, we wouldn’t be having these problems.

The collective attention spans and short-term outrage memory with some people is so weird. It’s best demonstrated by how often they return to the hopefull BOMBSHELL wells of hucksters like Veritas and his ilk.

This next thing will be the hugest thing that ever ruined everything. Then it comes and goes like a muffled fart and they move on to the next thing.

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An election cured Ebola. I bet the midterms will solve the caravan problem, too.

Muffled fart. Ha ha ha.

That would be the logical and moral thing, but that’s not what the Democratic Party wants.