Trans, Homosexual, BIPOC Have Become Bullies & Are Untouchable

Damn…that is really stupid.

Carry on.

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i bet you can’t explain why


Conservative theory is an off shoot of crit theory.

See, I can say anything too


Want to get a bully’s attention?

Works every time.

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from this land of narrative article…

“in the years since HRC has been keeping record, at least 84% of those killed were people of color, 85% were trans women and 66% were Black trans women“

you sure this is a “gender” issue?

and the title says “rhetoric” yet the article cites no actual “anti-trans” rhetoric

you got duped by what is essentially an opinion piece

don’t feel bad. that was the intent

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It absolutely dupes me why any parent could encourage a drastic life change, on a child so young, based on so little information, of such grave importance and significantly increasing their probability of depression and suicide?

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because many people are ■■■■■■■ lunatics (pardon my french) and the maniac left is right there to help them follow it through because they are running out of relevance

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Just putting the story into perspective.

Why Twitter beefs become news is beyond me.


it’s worth creating the theme of the OP

maybe take it from there

lol. unless a certain orange man tweets something huh?

Trans women are likely to see themselves in danger of violence for simply existing.

That is not equal to a celebrity Twitter beef.

based on what?

He doesn’t do that anymore.

And… he is no longer President so it lacks the importance that it once did.

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yeah i know it’s all different now. instantly, after jan 2021

but anyway…


Media? It isn’t the 1980s anymore. There’s more than a couple of channels on television and a few local newspapers. No one cares about NBC or CBS anymore. There’s this thing called the Internet. If you turn on a computer, it’s pretty easy to find places where transsexuals aren’t untouchable. I’m sure you regularly do.

Matt Walsh just released a documentary that’s dedicated to challenging untraditional gender roles. Fox News talks about transsexuals in sports every single day. You know they aren’t untouchable in all of the media.

should be easy to show some of this happening then to the degree that it makes them “likely”

go ahead…

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So all trans suffer oppression and danger every day?


Here you go.

Until recently in most states a gay or trans panic defense was valid for assault and in some cases murder.

Must not say anything negative about this new movement to “transition” children, or will receive hateful responses from “progressives”, who don’t understand the concept of free speech & don’t wish to understand it, either.

Brittany’s haters would feel more comfortable with this whackadoo:

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