Trans, Homosexual, BIPOC Have Become Bullies & Are Untouchable


Then that’s what she choose to do.

Why is she worth any less than a woman who choices to have a career?

She’s not.

Then stop telling them how to feel.

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Don’t be so hard on yourself, gender misappropriater.

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I’m not.

I’m not being hard on myself, and I’m not a gender misappropriater, gender authoritarian.

Some of the hardcore modern feminists certainly think she has less innate value.

Notice I said some. It’s not all of them who feel that way.

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Traditional, feminine women have their roles that they happily embrace and masculine men have their roles that they happily embrace. I have an aunt and uncle like this and it’s beautiful to behold. What she enjoyed while her kids were growing up is to take care of the house, her children and husband. She actually enjoys cooking, sewing, things like that, and my uncle never forced her to behave that way. Their kids are grown and have been moved out for a long time, but she still invites myself, my kids, and other family members over to try new recipes she’s whipped up.
Although my uncle, as well as many of us, attempt to clean up after ourselves to let her relax, she refuses to hear it. She enjoys being a hostess, or even a servant to all she loves. To reiterate, my uncle has never forced her to be the way she is. I’m sure 30 or 40 years ago some Gloria Steinem types would have loved to fill her head with nonsense about oppression and the patriarchy, to “wake her up”.
When it comes to home maintenance, bills, etc, she naturally lets those duties go to my uncle. They’ve been married 61 years and it has been like this my whole life.
What I described, to me, in my opinion, is traditional women. Loud, mouthy, swearing, trash-talking chicks who try to argue every point or compete with everything men do disgust me. It’s not because I “can’t handle strong and independent women”, but rather because it disgusts me to see them act so masculine.


Sure. But as you have rightly pointed out, not all “hardcore modern feminists” think that and to build upon that not everyone on the left is a “hardcore modern feminist”… so a portion of a portion.

Of course you are.

When a male takes home the trophy, sets the world record or wins “Woman of the Year” - you are misappropriating gender.

Let’s give black athlete of the year to a redneck.

What you are doing diminishes the state of being a woman.

What’s next, cramps?

Tsk, tsk.


But enough of them that it causes problems.

Some women want to be subservient. Some women want to be independent. Many of them are somewhere in between.

On a personal level I find myself attracted to more independent women. But minus the man hating stuff. That’s where the line gets drawn.

Either we are equal or we aren’t. Too many feminists equate being masculine with being misogynistic. That is not the way it works.

People are free to like what the like. A marriage is a partnership and members have their roles. What the left fights for is that those roles not be based on gender. That there’s nothing wrong with a stay at home house dad and a wife having a career.

What I described, to me, in my opinion, is traditional women. Loud, mouthy, swearing, trash-talking chicks who try to argue every point or compete with everything men do disgust me. It’s not because I “can’t handle strong and independent women”, but rather because it disgusts me to see them act so masculine.

You’re entitled to your opinion. I prefer women who swear and trash talk, nor do I consider this a question of feminine vs masculine. All people should be free to be loud or quiet, swearing or non-swearing, trash-talking or not trash talking, and not be judged that such a behavior is wrong simply because of their gender.

I play no role in deciding who can and cannot participate in a sport nor do I have a role in deciding who gets what award.

Nonsense. Women, like men, are individuals. What one woman chooses to do has no effect on the “state of being a woman” for another woman. You’re being a gender authoritarian.

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What’s problems?

I agree.

Which is why it useful to differentiate between masculinity and toxic masculinity.

Is that one of the many genders?

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She’s on social media with 2.2 million followers.


No, it is not one of the three genders.

Is this like a “Trinity”

No, why?

I self identify as a BIPOC trans. Pretty soon the phone will be ringing off the hook with job offers.
