Trans, Homosexual, BIPOC Have Become Bullies & Are Untouchable

People will defend themselves if this sort of thing is attempted.

Those making the threats to curb stomp folks seem to be oblivious to that.

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This is what authoritarians do. Go after the minority, to rally the mob.They use moral panics to gain power. Sadly, if one looks at history…it can work.

Or, look at modern version…Turkey, Hungary, and Florida.

Only the “morality” changes.

No one cared until they started in on children.


That’s not true.

That was mostly created by hyperbolic stories, making BS claims, that LGBT are coming after the children. That is the excuse that is given…based on fear and authoritarianism.

I know a bunch of stories from RW “news” sources make the claims…based on a handful of aggressive LGBT activists that have taken it too far. But it is not the norm. Regarding kids, the majority on the left think it should be the responsibility of the parents …not the state.

FYI, schools discussing LGBT, is not promoting. or encouraging one to be LGBT.

It is true

They don’t deny it anymore, why do you?

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They can’t read and you defend “discussing.”

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Pretty sure the proper term is platforming, for the purpose of normalizing.

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Nails it.


Regrets! Regrets! :rofl:


An interesting aside, many Gay Americans sort of agree with Conservatives when it comes to Trans Rights Activists. I would not put Homosexuals in the title because of this. In fact, many have been excoriated by the Trans community and their activists because they don’t agree with transitioning children at an early age.

Why? Because many of these children are simply gay. For an effeminate boy, who finds himself attracted to men, it might seem that perhaps he is simply a girl trapped in a boy’s body. Especially if he comes from a very religious upbringing where homosexuality is frowned upon. Maybe God mixed his gender up, maybe he isn’t gay at all. Same with a butch girl, maybe she is just trapped in a girl’s body.

To a lot of people in the gay community, this amounts to medicating the gay away.

For instance, in Iran if you are gay you can be put to death. But they will fund transitioning because perhaps Allah mixed up the gender when they were born. Religiously, this is more palpable than simply being gay.

And if a Gay person takes exception to this Trans activism, they are often disenfranchised the same as a straight person would be. An example is the author of the Harry Potter books, who has championed Gay Rights for decades and is now considered an outcast for simply stating that we shouldn’t push kids to transition if they are merely gender confused or homosexual.

As cultish as I find many who follow Trump can be, I can see similar cultishness in the Trans activist community, honestly. I do think there are folks who are honestly Transexual. But I also think its a lot rarer than what we see these days and all this current nonsense is not making their already tough lives any easier.


It is awfully convenient isn’t it? Embarrassed your son is gay? No problem, make him your daughter instead.

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I honestly find it disturbing. There is nothing wrong with having a gay kid. You should love them no matter what. Putting them through chemical castration because you can’t deal with an effeminate boy is hideous. Giving a butch girl or tomboy testosterone or hormone blockers is equally bad. They’re too young to sort it out, they are probably just gay. Let them sort it out in time and just be supportive.

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Seems pretty obvious since we know that absent social or medical transition the vast majority outgrow the phase.

In a strange way, Trans Rights activists can be rightfully qualified as being homophobic.


I don’t care if I’m going to hell or not for this, but I laughed hard. :rofl:


The bullies getting bullied doesn’t make them not bullies.

Interesting. Do a search at either Target or Walmart for “pride shirts for kids”. They both sell them for little kids. Not surprisingly, many are made by Disney.
At least locally, they are at least sold online only.

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