TOTAL DELUSION: House Panel Authorizes MORE SUBPOENAS for White House Records, Emails

Originally published at: TOTAL DELUSION: House Panel Authorizes MORE SUBPOENAS for White House Records, Emails | Sean Hannity

The House Oversight Committee voted Thursday to issue more subpoenas related to White House staffers’ internal communications; voting 23-16 on a resolution authorizing retrieval of the records.

“The House Oversight and Reform Committee voted along party lines to authorize Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) to subpoena for records from the White House in connection with an investigation into aides’ use of personal email and text applications for official business,” reports The Hill.

“The panel voted 23-16 Thursday on a resolution that authorizes Cummings to subpoena White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney for official records and communications sent or received by noncareer White House officials using private email and nonofficial text-based accounts,” adds the article.

“There are serious questions about this White House’s use of personal email and text accounts. We must issue these subpoenas to get our answers,” said Cummings.

“This is the law. We make the laws,” Cummings said. “If we are going to preserve our records, we need to preserve them consistently.”

The new subpoenas come just hours after the Democratic push to impeach President Trump disintegrated during Robert Mueller’s disastrous hearings.

The New York Post Editorial Board blasted Rep. Jerrold Nadler’s Mueller hearing Wednesday; calling the entire spectacle a “waste of everyone’s time.”

“By all accounts, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler hoped that dragging in former special counsel Bob Mueller for a hearing would jump-start his drive to get going on impeachment. Oops: It was a total waste of time,” writes the Editorial Board. “Mueller made it clear long in advance that he didn’t want to testify, and wouldn’t talk about anything except what was in his report. He even got the Justice Department to issue a guidance instructing him to keep to his preferred limits.”

“What did we learn? Nothing. What’s the impact? Nothing. If Nadler was hoping to get Democrats and their voters energized about impeachment, he’ll surely be disappointed. And we’re no closer to knowing how much this long investigation relied on opposition research by Hillary Clinton and dirty tricks by intelligence operatives appalled by Donald Trump,” adds the Post.

Sen. Lindsey Graham weighed-in Wednesday afternoon on Robert Mueller’s “confusing and sad” testimony before Congress; calling his behavior “dangerous and ridiculous.”

“Wow. Robert Mueller changing the job of a prosecutor from proving someone ‘Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt’ to ‘Not being able to exonerate someone accused of a crime.’ Dangerous and ridiculous. Thus far Mueller completely contradicts what he told AG Barr about the reason not to proceed on the obstruction of justice. He told AG Barr that the decision not to proceed was not solely based on the OLC opinion but on complicated facts in the law. Mueller hearing becoming very confusing and sad,” posted Graham on social media.

Read the full report at The Hill.