Top epa investigation for destroying docs

Always Trumpers have been told by AM radio that polls are fake.

Fantasy land

Really doesn’t prove anythinf…
Feburary lol

One of these things is not like the other.

Then why was it in your link. It must prove somethinf


Please cease and desist from posting links that don’t prove anythinf.

Not exactly the same degree of evidence they had against Sandy Burger, is it? Wait and see.

Stop posting memes

No, we were told by Trump’s victory they are fake.

When did Dems start being concerned about documents being destroyed? Pretend they were subpoenaed e-mails and get a good night’s sleep for Pete’s sake.


Cart before horse. Do we know the political affiliation of the accused?

My memes proof somethinf

Smart Energy Conversion. 2019 already

On one hand incarcerate a law breaker and in the other gut all laws Doncha live it?

Show me a poll that was fake.

Prove something?

Oh I agree but alot for the reasons you think

Good to know I’m on the right track.

Any poll that said Hillary was going to win.

Bloomberg had Hillary winning popular vote at +3. (Which polls are based, there is no poll for electoral college, but you knew that if you went to school and studied how our electoral system works)

Final popular vote was Hillary at 2.1.

Only off by 0.9. Not bad.