Today's United States Navy, summarized in one photograph

Today’s Sailors don’t have to worry about death by enemy fire. They have a much higher probability of death by falling through a rust patch to the deck below.

This is not a partisan political thing.

The Navy has been going downhill in quality for a very long time now. An embarrassing near collision in San Diego a few weeks ago. Several actual collisions in recent years. The Fat Leonard Scandal and numerous other scandals.

Just extremely sad.

And the Navy has suspended high year tenure in an effort to keep literally anybody they can on duty.


Are they at least getting pronouns right?


It is a new type of armor.

If there is nothing REALLY there to get hit by enemy fire it cannot be damaged … much.

wooden ships didn’t rust…


There have been numerable modern warships made of wood … notably minesweepers.

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I was (waxing nostalgic) thinking more along the lines of galleons, but sails are impractical means of propulsion in the modern navy…

These days they would be called Litereons. /uncle joke

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Hopefully they’re still taking monthly classes to remind them not to rape anyone this weekend.

Priorities and all. :rofl:


Is there anything more important in fighting force?

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The Vasa isn’t exactly typical. For one she had a very short service life with her first notable action being to abandon ship.

So much for the Swedish navy.

It’s a better image than what I have of the future of the Navy.



My post was not about the Vasa, it was about shipworms.

In the late 70’s there was a Newsweek cover of some rag bag soldiers in the field in Europe. They were in partial uniform, smoking pot and essentially out of control with no military bearing. General Meyer was the incoming Army Chief of Staff. General Meyer cleaned house in the Army. Drug screens, emphasis on discipline and order. Enforcement of standards of conduct. It looks like the Navy needs a good house cleaning.

The Vasa was a poorly designed ship that sank almost immediately upon being launched.

She makes a beutifule museum piece though.

I don’t know why, but this post really makes my day.

I know that. The point was that shipworms eat wooden ships, not that the ship sank.