To complete Biden's humiliation

Biden happens to be the guy holding the ball when the clock hit zero. The clock had been running for 20 years. Biden does own this moment and will need to answer for how this went down. Every administration up to this point has a role to play here. They are all culpable.

It’s a sad, sad situation. I hope we’re able to get out as many allies as possible. Then we leave for good.

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OMG… Now Biden is a victim. This is what happens when your Military and state department leaders are fools. Just like Libya!


This would have happened no matter who was President.

To think Trump would have done it any better than he did his withdrawal from Syria is silly.

Afghanistan was lost the instant George W. Bush decided we should try and nation build there.

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Dude, he left 8 months ago. The Biden admin is leading this debacle. How about solutions instead of another " It’s the video" ?

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You mean like the way Trump took out ISIS and Obama couldn’t? This is the same bunch of fools who brought you Libya. Wake up.

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Biden is no victim. He is responsible for what is happening right now.

Acting like he is the only person to blame is partisan bull ■■■■ .



Yes, exactly. Trump did not tie Biden’s hands, but I can see how you have to find away to blame Trump. What else can you do? Admit the Biden admin is full of stupid people. “It’s the Video”

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“I started the process, all the troops are coming home, they (Biden) couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. They (Biden) couldn’t stop the process, they (Biden) wanted to but couldn’t stop the process.”

  • Trump, 1 month ago

He didn’t. They’re still in Iraq and Syria and surging again.

Biden’s doing the right thing.

He will also take the hit for it because Americans have attention spans of such a small length where measurement in milliseconds might not be granular enough.


a statement from the former guy


Moral people who let their own homeless rot and kids starve while occupying countries that don’t want us there. Makes sense.


Isn’t it hilarious how the MAGA people do a complete 180 and now froth about us leaving Afghanistan?


Seems to me like Kabul airport should have been secured and flights leaving unimpeded, hundreds per day if necessary.

Trump wanted out very much so and was wise enough to not act hastily.

I think he listened to the military leaders because he did not want another ISIS in Iraq situation.

Now we do have another ISIS in Iraq situation.

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May is not September.

It became Jbiden’s deal the minute he took the oath.

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:rofl: Good one

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It is a positive thing. Was it done correctly?