Time to talk about lib privilege

It seems to permeates the democrat party and those in authority.

Take this woman, a New York DA for example.

She was doing 55 on 35 mile road. Refusing to pull over for the cops…she even called Police Chief to tell the officer that was attempting to pull her over to leave her alone.

She pulls into her garage and refuse to step outside. She told the officer to go away, and when confronted she was speeding she said I really don’t care.

She then said she was DA and called the officer a ■■■■■■■■

You can read the story here.

The video is here.


This is same type of liberal that thinks she knows what’s best for other people.

Classic example of lib Privilege.


She’s a Republican.



It’s still lib privilege.

Every Democrat in Monroe County is demanding that she step down.

So…how does that change anything?

It’s mentality of libs and those in authority.

That’s the spirit.



Take the L.

It’s okay.

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No true conservative in less than 5 posts. Yayy

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She is authoritarian…she switch parties out of political conveniences.

As my opening post clearly stated.

Where does it permeate? People in power? Especially those in law enforcement? Yep.

Are you saying lib privilege doesn’t exist?

The type of privileged attitude you are describing transcends political dogma.

Of course it does. in spades.

Power privilege is much more prevalent though

If it does, it has not been shown in this thread.

What is lib privilege?

Like a former POTUS who believes that Presidents should have total immunity for anything they do while in office?

Sounds like someone we all know.


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