Time to consider socialism with the failure of capitalism greed

$500 a month for healthcare? Mine’s $2500 a month, thank you Obama! (It was $460 before Obacare)

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Yah, that’s pure fabrication. Good catch.

I want to ask you, are you willing to die for imposing socialism? If not, are you willing to never own anything your whole life & live in poverty, plus be told what to do your whole life? I’m not talking about the problems you have now, I’m talking 3rd world poverty.

Because if socialism is ever imposed, it will likely cause just that.

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I am not sure what the exact tax threshold should be but I hear people complaining on taxing people with over 25 million with 3% is to much. To me that is just ridiculous when that money being taxed could lift 100’s of thousands of fellow Americans out of poverty.

We don’t tax wealth in the US and never have nor should we ever do so.

The best way to pull people out of poverty is for them to find poverty uncomfortable so they’ll have a reason to work their way out of it.

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Basically steal from those who have done well and give to those who haven’t.
How about not?

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I have done the math I can’t work my way out of this even with three jobs, I have already sent applications this week for my second job maybe if I get a third. And even then would still have no chance of owning my own place unless I marry someone which I am hoping to avoid for awhile that already has a house and could help me with my loans.

Why does it have to be 3rd world poverty, no one is talking Venezuela style socialism more like Norway. I feel like I am one step away from this right now, the Ramon noodles does not provide good protein and I am an attractive young lady and feel like I am to young to lose my teeth because I can’t afford to go to the dentist. But that is the road I am on.

It’s not a choice but people like it, and don’t want to give it up. The same would be true if we had medicare for all. All first world countries have some sort of socialized medicine for common people except us. We are not talking about some revolutionary thing here, one of the first acts after WW2 the British passed the NHS to take care of their citizens out of compassion. There is no compassion in this country just greed from capitalism.

In theory I understand but it’s also capitalism that exploits labor laws in developing nations sending those iPhones over to China so children and peasant can put it together for $2 and hour to save money to increase shareholder profits. So yes we get a cool overpriced phone, while the rich get richer. In the meantime the communities that have these tech behemoths have driven up the price of housing to the point that hardily 5% of the population could afford to live in these cities.

Also why do the same drugs cost a fraction of the prices in some other countries but they charge us out the ass for the same drug? Prescriptions in Britain are cheap and at the same cost regardless of quantity of the drug. All of the western European countries have higher life expectancies now than Americans. I read on CNBC from 50% - 60% of Americans don’t get their prescriptions refilled because of the price.

This can’t go on people dying in a first world country because they can’t afford their medicine or are more scared to go the hospital because of the cost than an illness killing them.

Then you made some piss poor choices in life and we’re not responsible for them.

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Anyone can go to the ER and get life saving treatment and drugs.

Drugs cost more in the US for a number of reasons the biggest of which is the cost of pharmaceutical liability.

Capitalism isn’t taking advantage of anyone in Communist China.

Have you ever questioned your elected officials there in Cali about what they are doing to help increase housing stock? You know, allowing more multiple housing, decreasing time to get permits to build, decreasing regulation on how they have to build. Place my daughter moved into in LA – the owners when they converted to apartments had to actuall cut out the center of the building due to some law that every apartment had to have a window with natural sunshine. The cost of removing the center of the building was probably a lot.

I don’t think they feel like it is theft in western European countries they feel like they are helping their fellow men and women. Not one of these countries would give up their healthcare systems to adopt the American healthcare model.

Sure it is. And also unconstitutional. It’s a direct tax on wealth (and constitution says direct taxes MUST be apportioned to the states). The wealth has come from an income that has already been taxed. Now if they bought a house for a million dollars (that million was taxed). Say today it is worth 5 million. They don’t have that 4 million increase sitting in the bank ready to spend. As we saw in the 2008 collaps, million dollar homes can turn into thousands of dollar homes in pretty much a blink of an eye.

So say someone with a net worth of $25 million is taxes at 3%. Say the next year the government determins they only have a net worth of $12 million – do they get a refund on what was taken since they now are not worth as much?

None of them would accept illegal immigrants like we do either.

None of them have our geography, topography, or demographics of the US much less our size or population.

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I am trying to get more active in politics and to learn more, I am going to see if I can understand the other sides political views at the same time their is sort of a desperation in my situation that I am hoping Sanders wins because if my college debt was forgiven it would really turn things around as I do want to work and be a contributor to society.

For everyone making fun of my degree, I understand I made a bad degree choice but I can’t go back to college and change it it would just drive me in further debt. My father didn’t go to college and really didn’t have advice when I went to and advisor I told them I wanted to work with people and this sounded good at the time, and I actually do enjoy working with people but it’s not enough money to function in today’s ever growing wealth gap society as everything is skyrocketing in price.

Why don’t you consider leaving California for a state with a much lower cost of living?

Were you watching the bottom line every time you signed off on another loan? Watched how it was accumulating? Wondered how you would pay it off? Ever thought about turning down a loan offer? How is it other people’s problem that you kept taking money loans?

Once you get working, will you write the government a check so I can be re-reimbursed for the loans I worked and paid off decades ago?

And that’s the thing today. You were not taught property by schools or parents. When you were figuring out what you wanted to do with life – no one told you to look at what the profession you want to get into makes. Then look at how much it would cost to do the 4 year degree. Then figure out how many years it would take to pay that off and then figure out if you could live on what was left over after the student loan payment. That’s what guidance couselors way back when dinosaour roamed the earth taught me in High School.