Three Palestinian college students shot on their way to dinner


Of course WH should be worried.
They let in a bunch of jihadis and now …?
what DO THEY THINK will happen when they oppened the border???

And thank god it’s so easy for people who want to kill innocent people to get their hands on a gun!


“They let in a bunch of jihadists” isn’t a verifiable statement.

Works great as fear mongering though

Weird how there were no stories about all the jihadists in 2019 when we were setting decade old records for border incursions.

Robbing Palestinians at gun point then shooting them is now a hate crime.

They pointedly were not robbed or mugged.

Dudes mug shot is all over now. 48 yo in an apartment right by where they were walking, looks like one of the FBI’s biggest domestic threat types.

Perhaps the greatest driver for Islamic terrorism are massive casualties of Moslem civilians in the Middle East.

Trump greatly reduced the casualties from America’s decades-old wars. Biden is reversing that trend, which is likely to result in a return to levels of Islamic terrorist attacks from the Obama-Biden administration.

Of course, more terrorist attacks and more wars in the Middle East mean more military spending, more immigrants from the Middle East to Europe and the US, more warrantless surveillance, and more claims that “white supremacists are the greatest threat”. Never let a crisis go to waste!

Love how this turned into a robbery or hammas.

Anything but the reality. Easier i guess.


Was there a robbery? I didn’t see it mentioned. “The students were walking along the street Saturday night when they were confronted by a man with a handgun, who opened fire and shot each of them “without speaking” before fleeing, according to the police department.”



Now targeting Iranian backed militias is a bad thing???



Are we trying to ban ARs or not?

As soon as we can get the gas stove ban passed.

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Guess they had no money?
That all said why the sudden mania by college students especially “ivy league types “ in anti- Semitic demonstrations?
Have these morons been this indoctrinated?
The lamestream and social media have saturated an already mush for brains younger people and divided this country it’s no wonder some cretin perhaps fearing a cultural revolution starts drilling zebra wearing turds full of holes.
■■■■■■■ people are crazy, all of them. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

WOW. .

If there were no guns they would pick a poison or something else.
Fire, also, could kill more people than a single gun.

It’s the mind of an individual that,when motivated, can be very creative.

To fight any crime people have to focus on the CAUSE not the means.
Why do we have so many violent crimes?
Why is Chicago the meca for murder…etc.

Main thing is being honest and logical about it.

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Some high octane venom doncha think?
I’m curious, why not quote the whole post? Or is your outrage simply selective?

I was with you on the ‘cretin’ part, but why blame the victims? One of those kids may never walk again.

Yes, expect the Biden DOJ to propose internment camps for libertarians in the name of “protecting freedom and democracy”.