Three Judge District Court Panel in the Eleventh Circuit unambiguously recognizes a private right of action under the Voting Rights Act

Unanimous Opinion of the Court. The three Judge District Court panel consists of United States Circuit Judge Stanley Marcus and United States District Judges Anna M. Manasco and Terry F. Moorer, Marcus being a Clinton appointee and Manasco and Moorer being Trump appointees.

The relevant portion of the linked Opinion begins at the 34th PDF page and continues to page 63.

While the Judgement of the Eighth Circuit is not binding on any court of the Eleventh Circuit, the three Judge panel nevertheless proceeded to eviscerate and reject the reasoning of that Judgement, as well as the Defendant’s own arguments.

Very well down by this three Judge panel. Without a private right of action, the Voting Rights Act would become a hollow shell, as the vast majority of cases under the VRA are private actions.