Thousands of former justice officials call on Barr to resign

Like when the court suddenly discovered marriage included same sex marriage?

Since you have given up trying to provide an historical defense of 2A, you’ve switched to whataboutism.

Okay, I’ll go with you. You are referring to the Obergefell decision. What part if the Constitution was violated by the majority decision in Obergefell.

Hint: marriage is not defined in the Constitution, but the notion of equal treatment under the law is.


I’m your huckleberry.

You should read the reasoning behind US vs Miller (1931?)

Then after reading it you can subtract at least 80 years off of your 2 centuries estimate.


Why? They meet at least yearly about things…this time it’s because your boy decided to break with ethics again… because that’s what he does because you allow it.

True…minus the 4 that resigned from the case and the internal rumblings that more were gonna quit whole sale…

But shrug it off…you like the corruption because ots your side doing it. Wait till it’s a dem and you all start fainting and pearl clutching. .

Two problems.

One, the court had previously ruled gay marriage was not a constitutional question.

Two, they redefined the word marriage to make it fit.

The constitutional problem lies in redefining the words in statutes.

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It’s always a good look when a couple thousand of your former colleagues and peers put their name on something that says you need to quit your job.

Left unspoken is the “before you get indicted”.

I am still waiting for someone to tell me, what percentage of former DOH officials does the number 2000 represent? 10%? 50%? 90%? Seems rather important. Going to be embarrassing if the answer is single digit or low double digits, in regard to this meaning anything.


A ruling so ambiguous it is used by both sides of the gun rights debate to support their positions. The court rejected the challenge to guns statutes (the pro-gun control interpretation) and reasserted the association of weapons with the well-regulated militia clause (the anti gun control interpretation.). But what we are arguing here is Scalia’s ignoring the well regulated militia clause, which makes the case irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

He did no such thing.

2 centuries? I thought you wanted to discuss the history of it?

Slavery? The right to keep and bear arms is rooted in English Common Law.

Try again.


I don’t remember voting for a couple of thousand ex DOJ employees to select my AG.


Yes…and? Just like FOX has FORMER officials on as experts. Should they be ignored too?

Yes. Lord yes!

Lol so much winning you cant be bothered to show links.

If twump loses im sure theres going to be lots for Barr to answer for.

After that, its holding federal worker’s paychecks hostage for as long as they feel like it.

Lol. Deflecting is your biggest thing eh?