This lie should sink the Biden campaign

Also “Joe lied” every time he said he was not involved in Hunter’s business.

Maybe not every time since there are now a half dozen business stories across five years and several countries.

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That there is no proof any money was ever given or received. The business appears to have dissolved before funds were ever moved.


My personal reaction is a good deal of skepticism (because of the way this is being doled out by the trickster) and an equal part meh.

Joe was out of office and getting paid for DC consulting is not the worst offense. Some help to his son on a mid level deal does not turn him into pure wickedness for me.

And right now you have to stretch the evidence over a few blank spots to even get it that far.

A scandal, but not enough yet to sink him.

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I have no problem with that. We should have an investigation, under oath.

Bring in the shop owner and put him under oath so that both the FBI investigators and Biden’s attorney’s can question him about the laptop and chain of custody. Questions about how the laptop went from being abandoned to turned over the President’s personal lawyer.

I support a full FBI physical and data forensic analysis. If this laptop was truly Hunter Biden’s then there would be DNA evidence present as users are constantly shedding skin cells and those would be logged in the keyboard, inside the case, in the hinges and in the data port openings of the physical laptop. Then a full data analysis of the electronic files themselves.

I fully support full testimony by Hunter Biden to include schedules and an explanation of why he was living and California and yet (supposedly) walked into a Delaware strip mall computer repair shop owned by a blind guy. This would include and examination of travel schedules with corroboration from airlines to confirm if travel dates were present.

I fully support Rudy being brought in and put under oath about his action in the matter including why he obtained the laptop. How long he had the laptop. To whom he provided copies of the hard drive. Those he spoke to about the laptop. Chain of custody for the laptop and any of it components or copies of components he supplied to others.

So ya, I don’t have a problem establishing the facts around procurement and disposition of the laptop.

If the data is accurate and verified, then expand the investigation into the contents of the laptop. However the accuracy of the data needs be established first as part of a logical sequence.


I don’t think there is a soul who believes Joe didn’t know a thing about his son’s dealings so yeah he probably lied about that.

Not very scandalous.

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If the key to this was Joe Biden and he’s only getting 10% he needs a better agent.


This is precisely the push to get it before a committee…because getting it before a committee lends it a legitimacy it currently does not have.

We’ve got Giuliani shopping the story to an outlet on the basis of that outlet essentially promising they wouldn’t do any vetting of it, who would be satisfied with documents with no identifying metadata and no chain of custody, and who gave it to someone with no bylines to her credit but who did work for Sean Hannity before she got the Post gig.

We got a guy with a huge liability from a lawsuit coming out of nowhere to supposedly “do his patriotic duty and then disappear” but who seems to be more pissed that Hunter Biden may have been trying to make money without him, and whose records that have been provided to the WSJ provide zero evidence Joe Biden was involved at all.

Even if anything COULD be established, there’s no there there. Joe was out of office in 2017…no access to be sold…and the deal seemed to go nowhere anyway (and he wasn’t involved).

So…we have the typical Rudy Giuliani stuff that he has been pushing for a whole year now that does a dull thud every time he pushes it, even with friendly folks in Congress and the Administration. Johnson ran from the stuff Giuliani gave him for the Senate investigation, and he had to put that weird “I’m rubber you’re glue” section about Andrii Derkach in his report because of the embarrassment of Giuliani hobnobbing with a Russian agent.

And none of this makes Trump supporters suspicious of the whole story…not surprisingly.

And all it does it cause you guys to miss avenues of attack that might actually impact on Joe Biden.

So by all means, keep going after this story and waste energy over the next 11 days.


Trump, while we’re at it. He brought it up at the debate, so he knows something.

We just need to know what and when.

If he was asked to appear under oath, he’d sue and push it to court.
That’s the only thing he knows how to do, is sue.

Under oath? For what trial?

Great post. This is exactly correct.

I love that this is the closing argument for Trump. Not the economy, where he could actually make inroads. Not on COVID fatigue, which is a real thing. Nope…on this seven-degrees of separation crap that it takes flow charts and conspiracy theories to try and explain.

Keep it up Trump! Let the landslide become even greater!

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If the Senate remains ( R ) this will also be parleyed into an ongoing “investigation” strategy.

Maybe even in a (D) Senate if they think they can expose shenanigans.

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Do they not have to be sworn in and placed under oath when they’re brought before congress? I didn’t say there was a criminal trial.

I agree the timing is suspect so bake that in but I’d like to hear from this guy as much as the other side would insist on hearing from Eric’s business partner if he were to come forward with evidence and testimony.

Some agree with me and some do not. I appreciate the honesty. Americans deserve to know IMO.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news on the conspiracy theory front. So I’ll let someone else take that spot.


You think McConnell is willing to touch this clown show? Before an election that has 7 vulnerable seats he could lose if it goes badly?

Bobulinski’s turned into bupkis…


Some want to take it directly to a public Congressional hearing for the political aspect.

I support an investigation by professionals to determine the facts first.

There is a difference.

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I have no doubt the GOP would push investigation after investigation because the alternative is governing.

McConnell is just trying to stay alive through election day to keep that seat Republican.

He has no time for this stuff. No time for Covid relief. It’s all about the courts for him.

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